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Can't install Maps on PC for BaseCamp with new Zumo XT firmware 5.90

Since installing the brand new firmware 5.90 to the Zumo XT the option to install City Navigator maps also on PC for usage with BaseCamp seem's to be gone - only a fresh installation on the unit itself is possible. The whole map administration has been changed and a installation of the maps to quickly access them with BaseCamp without connection of the Zumo XT to the pc is not possible any more.

If this is a bug (some time ago this problem already appeared after a Garmin Express update!), please fix this quickly - but if this is meant to be so, this is i complete no-go for planning some routes on the pc. Even that the Zumo XT has a lot faster access to his onboard maps than the units before, this is no way for working quick and reliable on pre-planned routes. The maps have to be on the pc for this - please change this back... 

  • That's great. Thank you!

  • Same issue on 6.20. This is really bad. I still have the possibility to return the XT...

  • Firmware alone isn't enough - changes to Garmin Express are also necessary! So be patient - Garmin said, they will repair this until the end of may... 

  • That was good news. Thanks!

  • I transferred some routes made in BaseCamp with the (PC installed) map Europe 2021.10 and of course in the device they were all messed up and unusable, because the map in the PC is different from the map in Zumo XT (which is 2021.30).

    It's a really annoying issue not being able to update the latest map in BaseCamp. It basically makes impossible planning longer routes, for which BaseCamp is the only viable option...

    I hope Garmin solve this issue rather sooner than later!

    And the latest Express update did not solve anything ...

  • here is the solution I tested with success (Post by Communisator)

    Text format :

    All you need is a sd card or an usb-stick:

    • Copy the file 'GarminDevice.xml' from the Zumo XT (found in the folder /Garmin/) to the sd card or the usb-stick in a folder 'Garmin'
      Disconnect the Garmin Zumo XT
      Open the file on the sd card or the usb-stick with an editor and search for the entry '<Name>PreProgrammedNamedMaps</Name>' - should be around line 140
      Delete the part 'Named' of the file, should be '<Name>PreProgrammedMaps</Name>' now
      Save the file
      Safely pull the sd card or the usb-stick and connect it again
      Start Garmin Express, should now show the Garmin Zumo XT as 'connected'
      Click on the Zumo XT
      Click on 'Map details'
      Click on 'Map options' of the City Navigator Maps
      There should be an option to 'Install Maps on the Computer'

    Please DO NOT edit the file directly on the Zumo XT, this could have unknown consequences with further updates!

    This is not(!) my finding - the user 'mario_b' in the german 'Naviboard' has found this 'hack' with a lot of 'trial-and-error' steps, all kudos for finding this goes to him! I'm posting this solution for our 'cant-install-maps' problem with his permission!
    If you understand german - here's the original thread at 'NaviBoard' - ... post531835

  • Thanks! It works! The guy who found this workaround is a Genius! Congrats to him! 

  • Great ! Thanks, it works! Should perhaps precise that the new file needs to be in a folder named "Garmin" to be recognize by gamin express