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Scale not syncing

Why is it that every time Garmin Connect gets updated, there is a problem with the scale? As of today, I get >>>>>>>>>>x 

Is there something the users can do to solve this, or is Garmin going to fix it anytime soon? It is quite frustrating to see a 'smart' scale operating in a way that is not smart :)

  • Ich habe die Waage seid ein paar tagen und das Problem mit der Sync und  dem Wlan besteht nach wie vor, Waag ist im Wlan aktiv aber kann trotzddme nicht synconisieren. Alle ca. 20x funktioniert es dann

  • It seems to be only working in the evening my hours. So something wonky is going on with their server. 

    So I'm still weighing myself in the morning like normal, then reweighting myself at night so it'll upload the data. I still end up deleting the extra numbers, which is a pain. 

  • @sgcume, this worked for me. Thank you for the workaround

  • Still not working here.

    I'm more curious how Garmin isn't aware of this issue and hasn't sent out a blast service notification to users? Like hey, whatever huge percent of users just stopped sending weigh ins to the cloud on Thursday, MAYBE CHECK your infrastructure and notify users!

    Update: tried forwarding to local NTP server, that didn't work. So this is some fun, new way of failing I guess. Might get bored enough to packet sniff this thing later today...

  • Same problem her in Denmark Flag dk

  • Add me to the list of the same issue!

    Whats the point of posting issues we all have - if no one from Garmin helps resolve them?

  • ja sehe ich genauso, das Problem scheint ja tatsächlich schon Jahre zu bestehen

  • The rats are eating the wires down at Garmin server room.

  • OK - great suggestions from both sgcu100 (re:work around) and rdugarmin (re:communicating status with Garmin Users). I've been happy with Garmin for years, but this Index Scale problem is a bit of a wakeup. It seems that most people who have issues with the scale are related to the connection. Shame that Garmin can't think of a quick and easy way to broadcast status simply to make users aware. It's not a shock to most users that there are occasional downtimes for online systems related to updates and fixes. Why not communicate that? 

  • Same issue here. My Index Smart Scale is around 4 years old, and it has worked flawlessly up until this past Friday. I've been able to get it it sync now for three days, despite trying all of the workarounds like changing my DNS servers and resetting the scale.