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Problem with 12.30 upgrade on Edge Explore 820

Has anyone else had a problem with connecting sensors since upgrading to version  12.30  I can no longer connect my Edge remote or Cadence sensors

  • How did you roll back to the older software? I can't find how install 12.10 in Garmin Express. 

  • Istruzioni per l'installazione
    Collegare Edge Explore 820 al computer tramite il cavo USB.
    Scarica e decomprimi Posizionare il file GUPDATE.GCD nella cartella \ GARMIN della memoria interna del dispositivo.
    Scollegare il dispositivo dal computer, approvare l'aggiornamento su Edge e attendere il completamento dell'aggiornamento.


    Se si desidera ripristinare l'ultimo software di rilascio pubblico, seguire i passaggi precedenti ma posizionare il file GUPDATE-1210.GCD nella cartella \ GARMIN. Rinominare il file in GUPDATE.GCD prima di disconnettere il dispositivo. NOTA: se si ripristina una versione precedente del software, tutte le impostazioni verranno ripristinate ai valori predefiniti.

    Follow this guide from the point of recovery to the old firmware **

  • When will this be sorted? There seams to be no updates here? Over a week now and it's still happening.Do we have to resort to doing an old firmware install ourselves??

  • Same issue here. My Assioma pedals and Garmin heart rate sensor lose connection after approximately 1 minute. It is not possible to make them work again during the ride. have you any updates for this or should we all downgrade?

  • Quick follow up and the fix that worked for me: I was very concerned about bricking my device, downgrading firmware is riddled with risk and unless you are an expert  - you should really avoid doing. 

    I stayed on 12.30 and simply performed a full factory reset using the GUI on my edge 820 device - very simple and safe. 

    Video is here:

    This process took about 3 minutes and then another 15 minutes reconnecting all cadence sensors on my 4 x bikes, setting up Wifi again on the Edge 820, syncing across all my segments and routes and setting up my preferred data screens. 

    A bit of a faff but discovered some great new data that i can now see whilst riding.    

    Tested cadence sensors on all my bikes, then went for a 2 hour ride with no issues, cadence data is running perfectly. I guess the device reset flushes out some legacy old firmware that is causing the cadence and sensor issues we have seen.            

  • yes i am having the same problems, i actually did 53 miles with no power, cadence, heart rate and neither the gears were showing on the screen. it does show speed and average. thats about can i send you my activity from that day its on my garmin. and i still gave it..i like to come back to 12.10 version meant time is issue can't be solver immediately.. thanks garmin staff  

  • i actually did that already, erase all and try to connect all back again and the 820 keeps trying searching and searching for ever , wont catch any sensors.. and lla have new battery and fully charged..

  • Same issue with dropped sensor connections on 12.3. Strangely, I've done several rides on the new firmware without problems - until today.

    Here's part of the ride:

    Can we look forward to a timely fix from Garmin? 

  • Could any one from Garmin get back on this? Thanks 

  • Could anyone from Garmin give some update here? We all have the same problem and feel stupid to factory reset my unit!!!