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High Heart Rate

Hey all, 

I had a two runs in the past week, with the last one happening last evening on a fairly easy run. My Heartrate should have averaged something in the high 140's with a max maybe in the 160's. However, at some point there was a change in my watch where the heart rate spiked up to 200's and 210's, with the lows being high 190's.

Nothing changed with the way I wore my watch and no change in effort. 

Has anyone else had this happen and had a way to fix it? 

  • Yes, yes, Australia

  • I have the same issu since approximately end of September 2023/ Beginning October 2023.

    Reported High and sudden jump of Hearth Rate even on an easy run.

    It was perfect for over 1 year until end sept 2023 and now very unstable datas.

    I wrote several e-mails to Garmin Product Support already

  • same to me since end of September 2023. Was perfect for over 1 year and since than very unstable hearth rate datas. I tried to move the watch of 1-2cm, tight more and untight, clean etc but doesn't change anything. I noticed that after gets sweat few minutes after the run begins starts giving wrong datas. Was absolutely not like that when I bought it over 1 year ago. So it has to be related to a firmware bug they haven't solved yet

  • , can you please help us to solve this firmware problem? As you can see there are more and more reports from FR955 and FR965 users on erratic OHR behaviour.

  • since 16.13 I have problems with Hearth rate false datas. Neither last 16.17 solved the issue. All fine for over 1 year till september 2023. I have now downloaded BETA 17.22 and will check from tomorrow if this solve the issue

  • This has been under escalated investigation, so we are doing all that we can right now to improve. All that I can do is ask that users keep allowing me permission to reach out via email and view activities from their Connect account to officially add them to the case.

  • Thx and yes you are allowed to see my activity. See the one of yesterday 27 nov…

  • Hello I switched to Beta 17.22 and this solved the problem. Today’s run showed a very accurate HRV and I tried intervals, hills, downhills so all perfect. I will keep you posted if any other problems arise on next runs

  • 17.24 - nothing changed :(

    When I use my own workouts, it looks fine. But on easy run it is still bad. 

    Why is my older (and much cheaper) no-name watch more accurate than this "hi-tech"?

  • Garmin-Sierra I can contact by mail to report same problem on garmin 255 ?