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More FW rev 13.22 Battery Weirdness

So I started seeing excessive battery drain when I upgraded from 13.15 to 13.21 (see this post) and thought that 13.22 fixed it as I saw the battery drain return to 4-5%/day in smartwatch mode. That was Thursday 12/1. Last night  I noticed the battery had drained more than I thought it should have (3% vs 1-2% for the same time) but thought nothing of it. However this afternoon I checked the battery and am now seeing about a 1% drop every 1.5-2 hours. 

I don't expect the battery's discharge rate to be linear (currently at 55%). But that kind of jump is crazy!

So I have hard reset the 955 in hopes that whatever was running in the background has stopped. Will update this thread in a few hours.

  • The battery life stabilized I guess after the second charge. Now it lost 6% in 30 hours. The problem is, it can/or will lose more for some reason when % drops further down.

    Another big issue is that drain I had with earphones, which is similar what it was when changing IQ fields or with the 11.xx firmware when you exit the activity the battery continued to drain till restart. I have to test again.

    Someone asked about drain during the night. It only happened to me once, to wake up with depleted battery, but it was on the first or second available firmware.

  • As of yesterday as if by magic my 955 has begun to consume 7% a day, I do not know if I had something hanging but it is already as before. 

  • I am down to 8.5 days per charge in smartwatch mode. Nowhere near the specification 15 days. All the restarting, soft resetting, etc. does not make a difference. 

  • First charge after update to 13.22 was quite normal usage. 6 days uptime with several activities +music. After 2. charge battery usage went up to 1%per hour, now after 4 days only in smartwatch mode battery is empty. This is frustrating…!

  • This is very strange, and not my experience. I'm getting pretty much what I'd expect in smartwatch mode: between 0.2% and 0.5% per hour. I charge the watch (not always to full) once or twice a week, depending on how many activities I've recorded.

    I use the default watch face.

    I have installed the following glances: Battery Graph (Cheurch), Battery Monitor (FlipStone), Hydration Tracking (Garmin) and parkrun barcode (gasteropod).

    My data fields are: Battery Info Field (FlipStone), MET (Trudelta) and Solar Intensity Logger (Balto).

  • I am getting really annoyed with this battery problems to be polite. 3 days in flight mode it lost about 15% as usual, then I went to GC app to create a football or a futsal activity to be precise. Another annoyance from Garmin. Missing some of the most popular sports in the world. TAKE LOOK AT POLAR. They have every possible sport available...and their subcategories to choose from.

    OK, so I created it from cardio activity with GPS OFF, synced the watch, checked how it looked on the watch (started the activity, went through screens and discarded a minute long activity). After that - the usual things I do - phone connection off, airplane mode on, lock buttons.

    Checked the watch later - the battery went from 66% to 58% in about 2 hours I think...or less. Now I will turn it off and on again. Definitely something is screwed up again, or not resolved in 13.22. If this is not solved soon, if this continues with the next firmware I will consider selling it and returning to my old (mostly) trusty, but updates neglected, Polar which is on a par with GPS accuracy with FR955S/multiband distance wise.

  • I noticed the battery drain starting w/13.22. Noticed this thread as well when it started. However, I never got around to trying to figure it out until recently. I've noticed the following:

    • My iPhone battery report would show 25min of background activity by Garmin Connect in the morning around the time I woke up. That was without me having touched my phone. This also resulted in battery drain on the phone. So, I force quit the app and battery drain stops on both my phone and 955. Bluetooth is still enabled on my watch. 
    • Also noticed that if I open the Connect app, it syncs as usual w/my 955. However, it repeatedly syncs like every 5s or so. I don't know how long that would go on because after a minute of this repeated sync'ing, I force quit the app. It shouldn't do that and I don't have the patience to sit there and see how long it goes on. 

    As a temp fix for the battery drain, I'd recommend force quitting the app. Yes, you no longer get notifications or weather update, but your phone and 955 battery won't drop off a cliff anymore. 

  • Kind of makes me wonder if they have some analytics/telemetry going on in the background in this version

    For mine I see this excessive draining happen for a few days then it goes away for a few days... Then it comes back...then goes away again and so on...

  • I always quit it, that can't be the issue on mine, bluetooth turned off on the phone (and watch) after the sync is over.

    I am on android 12. The watch itself is probably trying to sync or continues the activity after one of those should be done. Also my buttons are locked.

  • I've noticed some excessive battery drain as well with 13.21 and 13.22. On average about 1 night per week I see around 4% battery drain during sleep (typically it drains between 1-2% overnight). I sleep for a similar amount of time (and have similar sleep quality) all nights, and I turn off touch before going to sleep so it's highly unlikely that I'm accidentally interacting with the watch during sleep. Furthermore, about 1 day a week I also see 2-3x increased battery usage in smartwatch mode as well.

    The last time the drain happened (about 5 days ago), I was able to stop the drain by restarting the watch. The drain happened again last night and this morning. I've restarted my phone only this time to see if it's related to BT/Wi-Fi sync weirdness. I'll update this post once I get more definitive results on what happens with the drain.

    Update: After restarting the phone, the watch drain seemed to have become normal for the rest of the day (this was 12/31). However, it drained quickly again that night and into early afternoon on 1/1. At that point, I decided to restart the watch. The watch battery drain again returned to normal for the rest of the day on 1/1, and overnight the drain was normal as well. So there's something weird going on with the watch getting into an increased battery drain state that seems to only be resolved when restarting the watch.