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More FW rev 13.22 Battery Weirdness

So I started seeing excessive battery drain when I upgraded from 13.15 to 13.21 (see this post) and thought that 13.22 fixed it as I saw the battery drain return to 4-5%/day in smartwatch mode. That was Thursday 12/1. Last night  I noticed the battery had drained more than I thought it should have (3% vs 1-2% for the same time) but thought nothing of it. However this afternoon I checked the battery and am now seeing about a 1% drop every 1.5-2 hours. 

I don't expect the battery's discharge rate to be linear (currently at 55%). But that kind of jump is crazy!

So I have hard reset the 955 in hopes that whatever was running in the background has stopped. Will update this thread in a few hours.

  • UPDATE 4: I've re-enabled touch, and on 14.15, indeed it seems like that battery issue might be resolved for me! 36 hours (2 nights) with only 4% battery loss! Bravo.

  • Sorry late reply.

    Select 955 -> System -> Sleep Mode -> Display -> Keys & Touch

    I turned this off.

    But strangely and I just noticed, I can still touch during sleep. So don't know what is the purpose of the setting.

  • Same for me, didn't know if it's a bug or I/we didn't understand the meaning of this option.

  • Garmin surely has their weird ways of programming.

    I feel the options and settings menu can be more polished.

  • So weird! Both the 955 and GC app only have these options under that path?

    Watch Face - Switch only (i.e. no menu beyond this)
    Backlight - Menu
    Do Not Disturb - Switch only (i.e. no menu beyond this)

    The Backlight Menu has:

    Brightness - 5% ...
    Keys - on/off
    Timeout - 4 sec...

    And you see this still on SW Version 14.17?

  • Ahhh!! That may explain it. They must have removed it in 14.xx

    Anyway I have already requested this as a (permanent) feature for version 14.xx on... Turning off the touch screen has removed any of the excessive battery issues I was seeing in 14.15 or later. With the touch screen disabled I have seen a consistent 1-2% per night battery drain and 4% drain in smart watch mode per day. And this has been the case for about 2 weeks now.

    With the touch screen enabled, I was seeing 4-6% drain at night. I tested the touch screen by rubbing the watch face on my sheets, and it did register. So, if you're moving around a lot at night, I could see where this would impact battery life. So it makes sense to turn this off...

  • Ahhh!! That may explain it. They must have removed it in 14.xx

    Anyway I have already requested this as a (permanent) feature for version 14.xx on... Turning off the touch screen has removed any of the excessive battery issues I was seeing in 14.15 or later. With the touch screen disabled I have seen a consistent 1-2% per night battery drain and 4% drain in smart watch mode per day. And this has been the case for about 2 weeks now.

    With the touch screen enabled, I was seeing 4-6% drain at night. I tested the touch screen by rubbing the watch face on my sheets, and it did register. So, if you're moving around a lot at night, I could see where this would impact battery life. So it makes sense to turn this off...

    So for now I just have disabled it... Although I really miss the touch screen. I use it about 25-50% of the time. Especially, when scrolling through glances...

  • Yes I off it because of the night behavior and my instinct tells me it may affect the battery.

    But I don't know why I can still touch during sleep. Kinda stupid option then.

    So you are saying and under 14.15, touch is disabled by default during sleep ?

  • And 1 more thing, occasional off display might have prevented the frozen display issue ?

    My display doesn't freeze at all.