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More FW rev 13.22 Battery Weirdness

So I started seeing excessive battery drain when I upgraded from 13.15 to 13.21 (see this post) and thought that 13.22 fixed it as I saw the battery drain return to 4-5%/day in smartwatch mode. That was Thursday 12/1. Last night  I noticed the battery had drained more than I thought it should have (3% vs 1-2% for the same time) but thought nothing of it. However this afternoon I checked the battery and am now seeing about a 1% drop every 1.5-2 hours. 

I don't expect the battery's discharge rate to be linear (currently at 55%). But that kind of jump is crazy!

So I have hard reset the 955 in hopes that whatever was running in the background has stopped. Will update this thread in a few hours.

  • Access the system settings on GC.

    You can disable touch and keys during sleep.

  • your data point is an interesting perspective.

    for my 935, i had it of over 4 years and the buttons were fine and "like new" (ie, mediocre) after all that time.

  • You cannot assume that buttons over the years and for every model have the same quality and characteristics.

    Mechanical stuff can still break down eventually.

    So considering the above factorsand since 955 has a touch screen, just split your usage pattern to extend the life span of the watch.

  • i complete understand. yet, IMHO, i wouldn't use the touch screen just protect against ultimate failure of the buttons. i think the touch screen and buttons are there to give the end user choice.

    i'm far from a Garmin fan boy, but to give credit where it's due: i have recalled several people on the forums requesting Garmin to replace their watch out of warranty for button issues and it seems that Garmin has gladly assisted them with this at zero, or minimal cost. i know it's not guaranteed, but i'm banking on that likelihood should my buttons ever fail.

    for the record: i started off not using the touch screen at all due to muscle memory from my 735XT, 935, 945LTE, but grown to use the touch screen a bit more for some navigation because its simply more efficient. but it's taken time to change old habits.

  • Can you show me a screenshot? All I see is "Watch Face", "Display", and "Do Not Disturb" On both GC and on the 955 itself.

    I also checked the "Do Not Disturb" menu and all I see there is (under the "Edit menu") "Back Light", "Smart Notifications",  "Alerts", and "Gesture"


  • Coming from a VA3, I was use to a touch screen and over time I find times where the buttons are just quicker/more efficient. I would say I use the touch screen for general use and navigation. I use the buttons exclusively for activities. To the extent I turn the touch screen off for non-navigation activities

  • @: When you force quit GC on iPhone, you still get notifications but no weather updates.  

  • garmin support say that the battery drain issues are now resolved under 14.15. disapointing that they haven't seen fit to advise that here so i thought i would do it for them, as if i haven't spent enough of my time helping them with the numerous bugs in their devices!

    i haven't seen issues since the update but am withholding judgement for the moment. if anyone is still having battery drain issues with 14.15 i suggest you get in touch with garmin support

  • i'm now on week #2 of 14.15. overall still very good. it seemed to discharge from 100-97% within about 6 hours, but after that, it has been mostly stable. i've seen this sort of behavior on my prior watches (735XT, 935, 945LTE)  where a charge to 100% seems like it's not truly a 100% charge.

    i'm sitting at 6.1 days and 46% left. that includes close to 4 hours of All Satellites 54 - 12 % = 42%... just about 7%/day for smart watch use. not bad.

  • I recommend Connect IQ App "Battery Graph" by Cheurch. Great tool for logging the battery drain and for making the estimation how many days of battery are left.