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More FW rev 13.22 Battery Weirdness

So I started seeing excessive battery drain when I upgraded from 13.15 to 13.21 (see this post) and thought that 13.22 fixed it as I saw the battery drain return to 4-5%/day in smartwatch mode. That was Thursday 12/1. Last night  I noticed the battery had drained more than I thought it should have (3% vs 1-2% for the same time) but thought nothing of it. However this afternoon I checked the battery and am now seeing about a 1% drop every 1.5-2 hours. 

I don't expect the battery's discharge rate to be linear (currently at 55%). But that kind of jump is crazy!

So I have hard reset the 955 in hopes that whatever was running in the background has stopped. Will update this thread in a few hours.

  • Did the same experiment for 13.23, Matthew, see my post above from 10 days ago. Frustrating. Seems even worse in your case.

    I used to call my 935 the best piece of equipment I ever bought. Could not say the same about the 955 solar. Not a happy customer

  • Sad thing is, I have reported this issue with every Beta where this degradation occurs. I have reported when a Beta release gives consistently good performance too! But feel Garmin keeps kicking this can down the road and any performance improvements (with respect to battery life), from release to release, are coincidental.

  • 10% loss in 16 hours (half of it sleeping) with firmware 14.13:
    * phone connection disabled (specifically to try see if that's the issue)
    * pulse-ox disabled
    * HR enabled
    * one of the stock Garmin watch faces
    * no activities
    * 10% backlight brightness setting

    Tried power on + off with no effect. Now trying a full factory reset...

  • I have also noticed a rapid battery drain.

  • No change my side , very much in line with prior versions , around 0.5% per hour average over a days usage incl one hour of multi GPS activity. SPO on at night., Non standard watch face. 50% Screen brightness. (14.13 , iOS GC)

    Update:I had tracked from 27 - 30 Jan  and over 2.8 days I used 25% , average 0.4 per hour . This was after the initial install on 27 Jan 

  • i wonder if we need to start a new thread here to get Garmin supports attention.

    my battery consumption has gone up with the last couple of firmwares. as other's have reported, it will usually follow a steady discharge (for me it is 6-7%/day for smartwatch mode and then 3%/hr for All satellites) but there are occasions where there will be an inexplicable 3-4% drop over a few hours during no activity (smart watch). there is another thread that suggests that i may be a activity profile somehow running in the background. i have noticed recently have it have had the watch say "power save" was going to be activated even if i didn't recall bumping a button to get into activity mode. i am wondering if something is getting triggered occasionally without me noticing.

    yet, thankfully for my usage pattern of charging once a week, i have tons of endurance regardless of whether i have these occasionally bursts of unexplained drain or not.

    worse case i have seen over 7 days is about 70% discharge with my typical 5+ hours of GPS usage. extrapolating, that means worse case, 55% for 7 days or just about 8%/day which is again the worse case scenario and what i'm experiencing in my 1 week with 14.13. on prior version (FW12 for eg, i had under 7%/day on average)

  • garmin are looking at it. i've just finished running my watch in logging mode so they now have details of extended periods where it was using > 1%/hour with no activities or anything. hopefully that will enable them to resolve this issue.

    resets or even replacement of the device is pointless, trust me i've been there. unfortunately we have no option but to wait for the engineers to work it out (or return for a refund).

  • Thanks for doing that. Fingers crossed! 

  • This is good to hear. I was just going to tell everyone to reach out to support and reference this thread. I reached out a couple of days ago and copied the link for this thread into the chat. They said they would be reaching out toward the end of the week. But it sounds like they are already reaching out to some.... So hopefully!

  • UPDATE: Factory reset only made a small difference, still seeing about 10% loss/day, higher than expected considering not connected to my phone at all. A little better than earlier test, but maybe just because I changed the backlight brightness to 5%.