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Forerunner 255 Series and 955 Series: Cannot edit heart rate zones percentages

Since I got my 955, I cannot edit the percentages of heart rate zones. It allow me to enter a value but never saved.

Same behavior from the watch, and from Garmin Connect mobile.

Anybody else with same behavior ?


  • I'm guessing the single intern responsible for the entire 955 software package is on holiday or something...freakin hell

  • To be fair, it's good that Garmin are reading these reports and gathering data for fixes.

  • I do appreaciate the response from the representatives here, but given the number of issues, the price and positioning of the device the response in general has been disappointingly low and also as there has nothing actually been fixed yet nor any signs of anything being fixed soon there is not much to praise to be honest.

  • Hi!

    also have the same problem with the watch not using the values that I configured for the different zones. Still seems to use some default values..

    I will try to remove the zones for running and only use the general setting, even that they are the same. 

  • Hi Garmin-Kevin 

    Do we have any updaed on this yet - its really fustrating not having the issue resolved quickly  given its a such a basic thing and not somethng you would expect to be a problem on watch of this price point that has just been released 

    When can we expect a softwear update ? 

  • I upgraded from a FR945, anyone feels the HR zones settings are better in the FR945 ?

  • Hey Garmin-Kevin.

    Any update on this? Seems to be an „old“ topic but a very important one which should be fixed rapidly.

    I have the FR955 SW11.12 and this issue ruins the satisfaction of the FR955.

  • I have FR255. And  this issue also ruins the satisfaction of having the device. Do YOU have all those opinions in... GARMIN-KEVIN?... What's the problem? We can wait, bur this lack of ANY reasonable info is really anti - GARMIN. I don't think it's your (GARMIN) idea of consumer - contact rule, but it looks like this. SO WHAT ? Should we bring those devices back to the shop? Its techs specs is not in accordace with real functionality, so in any court we will win. Take us, consumers, please - seroius. Very serious.

  • Kind of weird everytime when Garmin introduces a new watch.

    FR945 has a lot of working features and functionalities.

    When you introduce a new watch, why can't you just port over the modules to the new watch? Instead of reinventing everything?

  • Same problem on 255 also very High max HR 173 while I have 165. Overlap HR on run Activity