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Track Run test

If anybody is curious about the new Track Run app in the latest beta, I got myself down to an actual track and gave it a go.

Here is what I found

Must say was impressed by the results.

  • But you are unlikely to get 100% accuracy as the distance recorded per lap is more likely to vary if you do not use the new Track Run. Sure you’ll get the time for each lap and can manually calculate your actual pace with manual lapping but that’s not the intent behind the new Track Run activity.

    For years people have been commenting that GPS on an oval track doesn’t cut it. That’s a fundamental problem with GPS that GARMIN have worked hard to resolve. 

  • But why do I need 100% accuracy I mean obviously if it's near 400m it's 400m reps and if it's around 800 it's 800m and so on. Mine usually day 398m for 400m on FR10 but I would rather rely on my manual lap time than GPS.

    What is the actual intent then? I have never had a problem doing manual laps

  • Glad you're happy. There are others who were not.

  • not always :-). it will give you perfect laps with regards to button press, but with distance you'll never know. also - if i'm doing harder laps, the only thing i want to worry about at 3:30/km is to press the lap button. i know somebody who ran 10k on the lap, bragged with 37mins, didn't use track mode and ran actually 24 laps ;-). if you're getting constant gps based measurements of 398m - that's good, but i've seen way worse and results may vary...

  • You don't need to know the exact distance as you can tell what legth the rep was by the time and the rep distance is still close to tell. I agree doing a 10k race as in a 5K race I actually overran not knowing I finished already. That is kinda a beginner erorr though. Still ok that redeems this feature it will be nice to bot have to count laps in my head 

  • Other track run test and another bug found: after set the lap to "manual", when I tried to push the lap button, the device jump to the home watch face....this is clearly wrong. This issue is something unusual as this is the first time I'm experienced this. But happened and make me angry.

  • A long press of the lap button will take you to the watch face by default. While you might have a sticky button it is also possible that you might have held the button pressed a bit too long.

    Sorry for your anger.

  • Yes I know, I did several attempts in pressing lap button... but seems the device in that moment recognize any pressure as the same and bring me to watch face anyway...

  • In which case contact Garmin Support. BTW, in case you aren’t aware, pressing top right will take you back to the activity.

  •  1st track run test.... off track but smooth