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Chest Strap connected but Wrist OHRM still on during Activity (945)

I just got my 945, set everything up like I had on my 935 and am about to do a Strength training workout. I paired all of my external straps the day before, including the HRM-Dual+ I've been using for months now. The sensor is connected to the watch, and I'm in the activity screen (just haven't hit start yet) and I noticed that the OHRM is still running. I actually turned off the OHRM in the settings, and it's still going regardless. On the 935 it would state at least the External HR was connected, this isn't. Does anyone know what the case is with this? Is the watch just running off the OHRM, is it running for pulseOX (I guess) Is the hr info coming from the strap. I don't know what to do here.

Edit update: Ok, so I did a simple power down with the OHRM to off, powered on, opened up the Strength activity, and BOOM! External HR Connected appeared. Went back to the OHRM settings and turned it back to auto and the watch is still connected to the HRM-Dual+. I hope this isn't what I have to do every time I wanna workout to get the watch to recognize the external sensor.

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  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Former Member

    Slight smile

    Name it a personal button vendetta from me against Garmin.

    No more lies, no more stalling, none of this anymore.

    I was a fool in 2017 to trust Garmin with the new Fenix 5 and it's troublesome ANT+ capabilities.

    Garmin claiming to be nothing wrong with the watches, caused by users environment , dry air and Wi-Fi routers Rolling eyes

    You are right when you say the buttons work, the watch registers them when pressed.

    Mine had inconsistent feedback aka haptick pressing the buttons.

    Garmin offered me an exchange and Wiggle UK a refund.

    Refund it was.

    Do not forget the closed thread.mushy-sticky-buttons

    End of my bbbbbuttons story.

    happy sporting

  • There is a button issue - on mine 4 buttons are fine but the start stop button is very different to the 4 other. Often it does not click where all the others click. And I think it is an assembly issue - so i’m waiting for a bit until I return it for an exchange.

  • Yes, my battery life has tremendously improved since the beginning as well. 

  • I said before the latest firmware corrected the not connecting to external sensors - but no - I was wrong - it worked fine a couple of time until until yesterdays run - started the run - and watch would not connect to any sensors until a “Ctrl-alt-del” power off/on 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago


    when experiencing the same mishap

    go to this thread and ask to be added to the ticket


    I was just able to recreate this on my own device after turning pulseOX on. I will be creating an engineering ticket and escalating this issue. 

    Please respond to this post confirming if you are okay with us adding you to this ticket. We will not need to gather any information from this issue, we will just need consent to add your account. This allows us to gauge customer impact. 

    happy resolving