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Consistent single altitude drop during the training sessions

I use ForeRunner 745 and I noticed that for the past 2-3 weeks, unless I'm doing an absolutely flat run (along the beach), during each of the training sessions there is a moment when the altitude suddenly drops 30-100m and then it stays there and it's wrong so I have to recalibrate. I have Auto Calibration on and sensor is set to Auto.

I run with a friend who uses Fenix 6 with the identical settings and there are no problems with their device.

Is that normal? Expected? What should I try to fix it?

  • Hi. Same problem here with my 745 on software v11.60. 

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. UK

    Please keep us posted with an eta for addressing this issue. Thanks. 

  • I have the same problem

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Austria

  • 1. Yes 
    2. Yes 
    3. Czech republic

  • it's embarrassing that they've known about the problem for over three months and are doing nothing to fix it. I have been buying garmin for years, I am a loyal user, but this situation is absurd given the price of the device

  • Gone ridiculous now, a nearly 900 foot instant rise, during my run today. On the bright side, most of my runs these days are underwater according to my watch, so at least it was above water. I don't even bother contacting support any more, as I just get the same stock reply. This is my second watch with the exact same problem, considering it will be nearly 6 months since I first reported the problem, it's getting close to the time where I will have to consider taking some action under Irish consumer law. I accepted a replacement watch in good faith, which was a refurbished watch (so might have been older than my own watch) and under Irish consumer law, I am entitled to a full refund or another item and not another replacement 745 watch.  

  • Normal (for my watch) service has been resumed, elevation track is correct, but I'm back under water and damp socks. 

  • 1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Brasil.

    Look how it keeps throwing the error.
    We need a solution for this.

  • Whenever I ask about this from Garmin representatives, I get a response that only a very small number of watches are affected and they are actively investigating, yet they do not know when they will have a solution. We are no longer a favorable group in terms of support as we haven't bought the next-generation models on which they are focusing. I have learned my lesson and once my beloved Forerunner 745 dies, I will change to another brand. I understand that companies need money to survive and innovate. But this issue has been persistent since late spring last year, which is unacceptable.

  • Garmin Product Support sent me a replacement Forerunner 745 watch in exchange for me shipping my old one to them so they could continue investigating the issue. I've been using the replacement F745 for a few weeks now and confirmed that the issue is still occurring on the replacement watch (unsurprising since this really seems like a software issue). During the latest run I went on this past Saturday the elevation reading on the watch abruptly dropped from ~5,045 ft to 4,688 ft at around the 0.6 mile mark, then stayed at that lower elevation for the remainder of the run. So no improvement in this issue between my old device and this one.

  • Out of curiosity I went to Garmin's website to look at the running watch options, and they list their F745 model under the "Elite Running" watches section for $500 USD. Even if the 745 isn't considered a "Next-gen" model, still a very expensive watch that they're marketing to serious athletes. And as I mentioned in my below post, the brand new replacement one they sent me in exchange for my old watch still has the issue.