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Consistent single altitude drop during the training sessions

I use ForeRunner 745 and I noticed that for the past 2-3 weeks, unless I'm doing an absolutely flat run (along the beach), during each of the training sessions there is a moment when the altitude suddenly drops 30-100m and then it stays there and it's wrong so I have to recalibrate. I have Auto Calibration on and sensor is set to Auto.

I run with a friend who uses Fenix 6 with the identical settings and there are no problems with their device.

Is that normal? Expected? What should I try to fix it?

  • this one is from my yesterday's run, with an altitude drop from 100m to 81m

  • So I tried writing my local garmin support team and they replied with this:

    Vi supporterer ikke det forum du nævner. Det er ikke Garmin-ansatte der har noget med det forum at gøre. Det er desværre ikke muligt at ombytte uret til en anden model. Heller ikke mod en merpris."

    They are basically saying that it's not possible to exchange the watch for a new one or other model even if I pay more, and that this forum is not supported and no Garmin employees has anything to do with this forum.

  • Ups.....And did they offer any solution? 

  • They told me to try these links and if that did not work then I need to send my watch to "service"...

    Barometric Altimeter Accuracy of Fitness Watches

    The Elevation Reading on My Forerunner 745 Is Wrong

  • Hi @lucas435, that question you asked a couple of weeks ago made me go through all the activities I did in the past few months. Another interesting thing I found out, although it sounds like more of a coincidence rather than scientific proof, is that the large majority of elevation drops/jumps occur right after any type of watch alert:

    • - an upcoming Strava segment
    • - run lap alert
    • - custom run alerts based on time and distance (e.g. in my case these are hydration every 5k or a gel every 45 min)
    • - performance status alert

    It would be interesting to find out if any other user can confirm that theory.

    for awareness

  • My experience is different. I phoned the Garmin support yesterday and they basically found the issue in their tracking system and said that it is quite possible that it only affects a certain batch of devices. Otherwise the issue would be much more widespread and there are a number of devices which do not show the issue with recent firmwares.

    I have been offered an exchange with a new 745, which I accepted. Should the issue reappear on the new device, it could be possible that I will be offered a different model.

  • I had the same good experience with Garmin support. Exchanged my Forerunner 745 twice, third model was also affected with this (software) problem. Because of that, my patience for the watch was gone. I have some serious training to do in the next days weeks, so that i got my money back from a local dealer (not Garmin) and replaced the Forerunner with the Epix Gen2. If you have more patience than me, wait for the next update - if they fixed this issue in there. ;-)

  • Thank you - just out of curiosity, do you still have your old device packaging? can you tell me which product model revision you own? For example, mine is Rev. A

  • if you can respond to my 3 questions on page 1 of this thread, I'd be happy to add you to the report that we are tracking on this disruption.  That way, once we have any new info to share with affected users, you'll be automatically emailed.  Additionally, I'll be posting updates to this thread when any new is available.

  • Ah, there is your problem. You got the James Bond version. This version expects you to jump off buildings and stuff which is why sudden altitude drops is not considered an error and is actually to be expected.