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Consistent single altitude drop during the training sessions

I use ForeRunner 745 and I noticed that for the past 2-3 weeks, unless I'm doing an absolutely flat run (along the beach), during each of the training sessions there is a moment when the altitude suddenly drops 30-100m and then it stays there and it's wrong so I have to recalibrate. I have Auto Calibration on and sensor is set to Auto.

I run with a friend who uses Fenix 6 with the identical settings and there are no problems with their device.

Is that normal? Expected? What should I try to fix it?

  • That's a very interesting observation, it's also great that you didn't have them on your hand, but on the bike holder. Which eliminates a few possibilities for error.

    May I ask one possibly important thing?

    Was the sprint ride as a new lap that was manually/automatically started ať this moment or was it a single lap ride?


  • Hi @lucas435, for cycling I just use factory defaults, so automatic laps every 5km. The altitude jump occurred exactly at 9.01km. In other words, I did not have any interaction with the device when the bug occurred.

  • I'm having the same issue with sudden altitude drops. I noticed it during 1 run about 3 weeks ago. It just happened again today with an abrupt drop in altitude of 254 feet.

  • Two more workouts, one running, the other walking, with abrupt altitude drops. Any update on when we can expect a fix for this?

  • I would not get my hopes up, it seems like this have extremely low priority.

  • Hi Kevin,

    I was already in contact with Garmin Munich because of that problem. Seems like they do not know anything about this problem. It would be great, if you can contact me via mail soon. Must be able to rely on the data, as important competitions are coming up.



  • Hi Kevin,

    Another bad-happening of this occurred again last weekend (Saturday, October 29th). The elevation was correct at the beginning and then at the 20’20” mark, the elevation dropped 106 meters in a seconds time. If at all possible can you forward this one to the software team?

    1. Yes email.

    2. Yes access

    3. Germany

    Thanks Jamey S

  • I'm experiencing this issue as well. Today I even did 3 calibrations midrun and still had 4 elevation hickups on my 17km run. I'm turning of the barometer to see if that will fix anything. That will also get rid of the incorrect storm warnings Grin

  • Dear friends and

    so I think the whole matter is perfectly clear now. As I run longer distances, this error appeared every time I ran. Sometimes it was at the beginning, sometimes at the end, but regularly in every running activity. It was very frustrating so I decided to take a radical step.

    Even before this was mentioned here, I figured out how to downgrade the software and rolled my watch back to 10.40. I had to set everything up from scratch, including cards, music, etc. But what is important. Since then I haven't had a single activity with this altitude error. In my opinion, this is clear evidence that this is a software bug that has been lingering since version 11.00. Of course, some of the ailments that were present in version 10.40 have returned, such as higher battery consumption, but otherwise everything works. My wife also has an FR 745, she kept the 11.60 version and the error keeps happening in her run activities. I don't want to induce anyone to go back to version 10.40, but I just want to assure you that it is a software bug and I would also like to appeal to Garmin to start seriously working on it after several months of knowing about the bug.

    It's really frustrating when one of the 3 basic parameters - Pace, Heart Rate and Elevation - doesn't work. I believe that Gramin experts will fix it soon.

  • Hello Kevin, my 745 has this problem too. Just last weekend it happened on two bike rides. See attachement: