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Since 18.23 Firmware the Vo2Max is rare

Hello all, like the subject, my Vo2Max is not improving since last update 18.23, im doing long running at tempo or umbral speed, i have only a small peak upwards after a 22km run at high intensity, my last 10km at lactated threshold speed is not improving the Vo2Max, its not normal i feel, thanks in advance, regards

  • After i started to used a chest strap the vo2max started to climb till now at 56, without chest strap the vo2max was stuck at 52 some months so i guess this is a fault of the watch and its ohr

  • I have always been using a cheststrap with my FR255. A few months ago my VO2Max (as estimated by Garmin, that is) was updating nicely, until approximately mid-June since then it is stuck at 47.91. And this, despite having logged 35 activities advertised as "Highly impacting VO2Max".

    So as far as I'm concerned, something is broken.

  • its strange because when i do intervals the famous 4x4 with 3 minute rest the vo2max graphic in the watch decrease, the only way i found than it goes above its running 10k plus races at near max effort or starting steady and the last 20-30 minutes at full power, no other workout increases the vo2max as this, i dont understand why hard intervals of 4 minutes doesnt rise the var...