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Since 18.23 Firmware the Vo2Max is rare

Hello all, like the subject, my Vo2Max is not improving since last update 18.23, im doing long running at tempo or umbral speed, i have only a small peak upwards after a 22km run at high intensity, my last 10km at lactated threshold speed is not improving the Vo2Max, its not normal i feel, thanks in advance, regards

  • Yes i have the same problem

  • The only reliable way to ensure Garmin's measurements are accurate is by comparison with laboratory tests. If, of course, they can be done.

    Everyone has a personal VO2max limit (given genetically), you can simply reach it.

  • Use Runalyze web site . Look at VO2 max from fit file files then you can see to two decimals what garmin records as the VO2 for the activity and how it moves - important in the Runalyze settings to display the VO2 from the fit file

  • I'm using Runanalyze (including its ability to display the VO2Max with 2 digits), very happy with it.

    On many, many occasions, I notice that my training effect is "high impacting VO2Max", yet my VO2Max doesn't change a iota. This is obviously not a Runanalyze problem since it just reads whatever Garmin raw files say. But... any idea why Garmin doesn't bother changing VO2Max number after it was - in their own words - "highly impacted" ?...

  • It is not normal that VO2Max will continue to climb forever. Sooner or later, you will reach a stable level for age, gender and workout pattern. If you skip your VO2Max beneficial workouts, the VO2Max will start dropping. I see Leonardo is already at "Superior" level, and it could be difficult to climb even further.

  • Please tell me, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
    I'm trying to use but can't find the VO2 in the TrailRun activity fit file generated by the FR245, even though Garmin shows a VO2 max measurement for it.

    # File size: 59057, protocol version: 1.00, profile_version: 21.96
    # File header CRC: expected=0x4E8E, calculated=0x4E8E
    = TYPE=0 NAME=file_id NUMBER=0
    --- serial_number
    --- time_created=1080629467=2024-03-29T06:51:07Z
    --- manufacturer=1=garmin
    --- garmin_product=3076=3076
    --- type=4=activity
    = TYPE=1 NAME=file_creator NUMBER=49
    --- software_version=1300=1300 ...

    I can’t delete the post, I understand what the problem was , today I visited runalyze for the first time

  • Should it be there? Is it not a calculated value? From your pace/hr. Runalyze did it for every lap separately and the value is not the same as Garmin calculates.

  • I can’t delete the post, I understand what the problem was , today I visited runalyze for the first time

    Checking the "VO2Max (by file)" box - as you have done - is all you need for Ruanalyze to extract Garmin's calculated VO2Max with 2 digits. Ruanalyze doesn't change this particular number in any way.

    This is what it looks like for me after this morning's row. The rounded number 47 is, of course, what Garmin is showing me on my watch.

  • Checking the "VO2Max (by file)" box - as you have done

    Thank you, I already understand, I see the data. But I can’t delete my question, apparently because there are answers.

    I guess I didn't express myself clearly when I wrote

    I can’t delete the post, I understand what the problem was , today I visited runalyze for the first time

    , sorry.

  • Hello not climb forever of course, but, runalyze shows me that i have a 55VoMax meanwhile garmin shows me stable of 52 since november, is there a way to reset the metrics or the watch to start over? and its recommended?