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HRM-Tri battery is already low!?!?!

I did not know whether to post this in the FR945 section or the Accessories section, b/c I dont know where the problem lies..

I have a brand FR945 bundle (got it about a month ago) and have used the HRM-Tri for I would say 15 hrs, mainly on my bike.

Yesterday during a cycling activity I got a warning saying that the battery on HRM-Tri was low.... From what I read around this is not normal at all..

Obviously, I am using the battery the strap came with... i never opened nor touched anything in the strap..

What could I be doing wrong in order to screw up things? I always rinse the strap after every use but do not dry it, i just hang it and let it dry by itself.

Is there anything I could do to somehow fix the problem apart from calling Garmin support?

  • Any ideas? I used the strap three times more (one elliptical, one short run and one short bike) and had minor connectivity issues for the elliptical and then no issues...

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago

    Hi, sorry to hear about your mishap.

    A month in use and already battery low message.

    • I would suggest to call Garmin Support and explain the situation.
    • Or try and swap it with the vendor, not performing as advertised.

    Opening sensor and replacing the battery you need a good screwdriver and some time.

    I always rinse the strap after every use but do not dry it, i just hang it and let it dry by itself.

    how wet is wet ? and how do you hang it to dry ? sensor patches not touching any surface or themselves ?

    Me personally I would do the battery change.

    Could ask the question in the FR945 forum, more audience for a decent answer and suggestions Wink

    happy & safe sporting

  • Me personally I would do the battery change.

    I agree with changing the battery first. The 945 has only been around just over a year, but Tri's have been around for a while. The Tri may have been sitting in a warehouse for some time before packaged together. 

  • Hi OnlyTwo

    Well.. I rinse it completey and then i gently try to dry it with a clean towel (the sensor do get 100% dry just with the towel, but all the strap does not).. then I hang it from the middle in such a way that the sensors do not touch anything.

    Is this good practice?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to 9892944

    Slight smile yes, for sure Thumbsup

    you leave out the most important answer ... what about the battery ?

    happy & and safe sporting

  • Thx!

    I did NOT change the battery yet. Actually it seems to be working fine, it was just that day and then no more problems..

    Who knows.........

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to 9892944

    you will know Smile

    upload your fit file here and look for hrm tri

    here you can find the voltage (my last replacement was from nov 2018 at 2.65V)(use three straps Slight smile)

    tri status at the start of the activity

    tri status at the end of the activity

    happy & safe sporting