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Unable to download any app on Garmin venu sq2 music edition

I got a garmin venu sq 2 music edition today. I tried installing amazon music, spotify.. any app in the connect iq store. It goes on installing and then does not install.

I have tried on both android and ios. I have updated the watch using garmin express

I have reset the watch loads of times.. paired again. Connected and disconnected via bluetooth. Reset. Name it , I have done it. But somehow i cannot install any app.

I even uninstalled the apps it came installed with and it would not install those apps again.

Really fed up by now. Planning to return the watch. I have seen similar posts here and even on reddit. Seems like an issue with garmin venu sq 2 right now.


  • I managed to install an app just now.
    A question remains: why it took so many days to identify and fix the issue?

  • Post-Mortem Consideration

    Errors happen to everyone, but this particular issue is far from trivial. Garmin's response has been utterly unacceptable, displaying behavior that is below the belt and outrageous.

    How can Garmin publicly request numerous traces when the malfunction occurs on any new watch? This is a clear delaying tactic and a sign of incompetence, stalling at the expense of willing customers!

    The promised Garmin Express update did not resolve the issue, indicating it was not properly tested.

    Garmin claims that customers with issues should contact them for support. However, no one has received support, only more requests. It is evident Garmin cannot handle these additional tasks. This is deceptive.

    Furthermore, Garmin appears not to adhere to the rules of this forum, despite having agreed to them upon entry. Another violation.

    "Very small minority of users" - Ah! So minorities do not need to be considered? This could be punishable in some cases.


    When reading, you should focus on the principle, not the exact figures. 


    100,000 watch users
    1 month of unusable watches
    2 years depreciation
    €200 watch price

    => availability damage: 

    Total: EURO 833,000


    100,000 watch users
    1 hour investigation per user
    (we had 12)
    €100 hourly wage

    => investigation damage: 

    Total: EURO 10,000,000

    Now, Garmin, should we contact a lawyer for compensation?

    I suggest Garmin donate the above amounts to a charitable organization!

    Good night, Garmin - in every sense!

  • Thanks for the update. Works great now. Thumbsup