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Livetrack again...

Since updating iPhone to iOS 13 live track stops mid-ride and cannot reconnect. Edge responds like everything is ok, notifications work fine.

iOS 13, 13.1, 13.1.1 all with same problem. Web interface reads "No signal. Trying to reconnect.". Stays like this forever.

Close inspection it seems phone and Edge loose second BT connection (why it needs two connections is beyond me). As I said notifications work without a glitch.

Previous version was more verbose about live track status, like showing that phone was disconnected and live track paused. I do not see those messages in 4.10.

Updated Garmin connect mobile two times and issues remain. My wife is killing me on this one, since I had some crashes mid-ride and she relies on this service to know if I am ok.

For me this is a major function of the Edge, so I think the device is not fit for purpose...

Anyone experiencing same symptoms?

  • I haven’t managed to have a single successful ride using Live Track yet (Galaxy S9 and 530). Constant dropouts and maybe a reconnect, maybe not. As a safety feature, it’s absolutely useless. Been using Road ID App instead.

  • With all of us trying to use the service I am sure Garmin would be interested in getting some log data? Or maybe they just don’t care???

    Today same thing. I am no expert, but I believe that if the phone looses data connection to Internet the Edge is not notified and is unable to reconnect. I remember a version that was verbose about this problems on the Edge (maybe too much I’m afraid). 

    Today used Glympse without problem, even in areas without Internet, when restored the service resumed. And it’s free, no need to buy an over-expensive piece of equipment...

    let’s face it! majority of users don’t use this feature. With real-time Data and Strava upload working all is fine. We are a minority and Garmin treats us like this... 

  • this is what happens. This is Garmin software quality in a picture. This is in the upper left corner me using Glympse to do what livetrack should be doing. 

    I rest my case here. I am no longer in a position to recommend Garmin devices to my friends. 

    I have seen this pattern of software problems on a company before. They were called Nokia...

  • Hi, I experience the exact same symptoms including my wife's reaction as you describe. I start a ride, Livetrack also starts (manually or automatic), however after a while the web interface loses the connection. 

    I have an Edge 820 and iOS 13.1.3 installed. So for me as well top priority to solve. 

  • Today first ride with more than 2 hours that worked without issue. 

    Changes I’ve done:

    - removed all devices from GCM and iPhone Bluetooth 

    - logout from GCM 

    - close GCM

    - reboot phone 

    - run GCM and login

    - add devices from scratch

    I’ll post again for the next ride. 


    IPhone X with 13.2, Edge 830 with 5.00 and GCM 4.24.2 (just updated). 

    Fingers crossed...

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to pauloalexneves

    That's exactly what I did. End result - LiveTrack Auto Start Failed.

    The only difference is you have X, I have 11 Pro Max

  • Today same as you. Just some meters alway from home. Paused, canceled workout and created a new one. Auto livetrack could not start, but no message whatsoever. 

    Coffee stop. Manual livetrack. Some hiccups until home, but more or less stable. 

    we’ll see tomorrow how it goes. Back to using Glympse for backup. 

  • Today I got a succesfull automatic livetrack session, I really do not need it but want to get it work ;-)

    Before I had the same problems described as here, so what did I do.

    iPhone X iOS 13.1.3 Garmin 830 FW 5.0;

    1. Deleted the BT connection(s) on the iPhone, there are 2.

    2. Turn off iPhone.

    3. Turn on the 830.

    4. Remove iPhone Connection on the 830.

    5. Turn off 830.

    6. Turn on iPhone wait untill it is functional.

    7. Turn on 830 wait until it is functional.

    8. Than create the BT connection, question will be asked current 830 or new - I took current 830.

    9. Proceed and finish procedure. 

    This helped, I really do no know if it is a final solution but will report if it fails or it is succesfull again.

  • Still working as expected!

  • Last rides live track has been working but not without glitches. However it recovers from a bad state, which was something not happening before.

    Lets hope this trend continues. Edge 830 has been rock solid so far with version 5.00.

    I believe what made the most difference, besides the app updates, was the logout and login again on GCM with removal of all devices.

    How's been your experience?

    Best to you all and good rides!