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Livetrack again...

Since updating iPhone to iOS 13 live track stops mid-ride and cannot reconnect. Edge responds like everything is ok, notifications work fine.

iOS 13, 13.1, 13.1.1 all with same problem. Web interface reads "No signal. Trying to reconnect.". Stays like this forever.

Close inspection it seems phone and Edge loose second BT connection (why it needs two connections is beyond me). As I said notifications work without a glitch.

Previous version was more verbose about live track status, like showing that phone was disconnected and live track paused. I do not see those messages in 4.10.

Updated Garmin connect mobile two times and issues remain. My wife is killing me on this one, since I had some crashes mid-ride and she relies on this service to know if I am ok.

For me this is a major function of the Edge, so I think the device is not fit for purpose...

Anyone experiencing same symptoms?

  • I believe cell reception can have an effect.  On some occasions I've started riding without cell coverage and LT started on its own when I rode into coverage.  I've also had it fail when I rode out of coverage.  IDK how it handles spotty cell coverage. Ideally, IMO, it would buffer the track when out of cell coverage and send it when in coverage notifying you when you're not in coverage so that you understand your current position is not being reported.

  •  Today same thing  difference? It took more time to fail. Cell reception can be an issue, but when it resumes so should livetrack, give or take a minute  

  • So I did a 3hr plus ride today and Live Track appeared to work for the duration even though my iPhoneX dropped the second Bluetooth connection.Thinking

  • Hello there!

    GCM updated yesterday after the ride. Gonna ride today and see how it goes. 

    I’ll post the result here. 

    thank you all. 

  • This is what I got today and yesterday. Today with 4.21 beta. 
    I am not a rant person, but this is really getting on my nerves. As far as I am concerned I’m gonna put up with this until the end of this month, after that I believe I am switching sides. My Wahoo friends have no problems whatsoever.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    Like I said on multiple occasions, LiveTrack is total hit-and-a-miss for me.

    3 rides in 3 days, everything works fine.

    Yesterday - no LiveTrack, but also no errors or anything regarding LiveTrack

    Today - every 15 seconds notification on 830 pops up "LiveTrack Auto Start TimeOut". I had to stop my ride, turn off and turn it on again.

    At the same time, I can see other riders and I get phone notifications. I didn't change a thing, iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 13.1.2, 830 on 4.10.

    Totally frustrating.

  • Today same thing. I am going to try Glympse app and give up one this.

  • Former Member - Most likely there is a connection issue between your Edge 830 and iPhone 11 Pro. I would recommend updating to the new Public Beta here:

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to Garmin-Matthew

    Most likely Garmin software is very poorly written. This kind of problems didn't appear with iPhone 11 Pro, it's been like that since forever.

    I don't feel confident using beta software; it doesn't work as it is now, and solution is to go beta? And when same thing happens on beta, the answer will be, well, d-uh, you are using beta, what did you expect, right?

    And do I have to mention DC Rainmaker's post from this summer about Garmin software? Yeah, didn't think so.