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Edge 830 satellites lost

Anyone still exp this problem? I get a sattelites lost message almost every time I ride under a bridge/road, no matter if it takes me 5 or 30 seconds to get to the other side.

I will try using GPS only or GPS+GLONASS, which will hop help prevent this from occurring again. 

  • Like I stated previously this will be resolved in an upcoming software update. If you are still experiencing the problem with the Beta software, please forward your information on to the Beta inbox in the address posted in the download location.

    As for your exchanges, I apologize that you had to do this three times. I also apologize to anyone above that is also currently experiencing this problem.

  • Thank you looigi for your idea. I was actually quite ok with the auto stop function on my previous 820 model, so I really expect that 830 will work in a same way.  The auto- stop issue is only a symptom of poor satellite connection, which affects also other functionalities- like total distance, avg speed calculation. 

  • I’ll give it a chance and test the new Beta version as advised by Garmin-Matthew. I hope to ride again of Friday, I’ll share my experience then. 

  • Please do- I look forward to your impressions.

    As for me, I am now back to using my Fenix 6X Pro and Faveri Assioma power meter for tracking and my phone for navigation purposes (with Strava's new route generator);

  • Yep.  That's my point.  The wheel sensor ameliorates poor GPS performance by making auto-pause work correctly and recording correct speed and distance despite GPS dropouts.

  • Matthew, I have updated to the new Beta Software, and the problem persists. GPS location is lot more inaccurate than it was on my Edge 820. I have compared tGPS accuracy on the E830 against Forerunner 935 and the latter seems to be more accurate- simply by comparing both devices deviation from the track. 

    I checked the GPS Signal strength during the ride, and  it was OK. I am riding with smart GPS setting, not using Glonass nor Galileo. Very inaccurate GPS causes very specific problems, like: sudden speed drop, even though riding steadily. Speed drops from 20 km/h to 8 km/h are not uncommon.  Another problem is, when riding in slow speeds, the computer will pause, because even at speeds well above auto stop speed, because of the wrong speed reading (GPS). 

    But the main issue for me is, that I am not able to train on some of the segments. I assume, due to poor GPS the device will stop monitor the segment in the middle of it. It is extremely frustrating, because the segment monitoring function was one of the most important reason I decided to purchase this quite pricey device. 

    I still hope there is a solution to the problem, I do not want to change for another brand yet. Which means, I am ready to provide you with all necessary information. 

  • Sorry to hear you are having issues these issues. I had issues with the GPS on three separate devices across a year and a half. I quit hoping for a fix because, as far as I'm concerned, this would've been fixed ages ago if it were possible.

    It seems most users are not too bothered so Garmin has no big incentive to spend the time ie money required to fix this or issue refunds to those affected. I got offered a refund the second time,which I gladly accepted.

  • I have recently switched from my Mio Cycle 505 to the Garmin Edge 830. Was happy about the device the first month and did some 20 rides out of the box without any problems. When updating the firmware to the latest official release the "satellites lost" problems really began. Did a 30 km ride and the device lost GPS connection like 50 times (no trees, perfect blue sky).

    After reading about the problems at this forum I've updated the firmware to the latest beta release at the time (5.34) and gave it another go. Tested it on a 60 km ride with a navigation route on, but the device still lost the satellite connection every kilometer or so and was hinting for a U-turn somewhat the whole ride. Yesterday I've updated yet again to the latest firmware version (5.44) and tested it on another 60 km ride, but the problems persist.

    It doesn't matter if I'm riding under clear sky, a single line of trees or in the forest, the device keeps loosing connection. Tried it using GPS, GPS + Galileo and GPS + Glonass, with all the same results. This makes the device utter useless. I cannot believe Garmin is selling one of it's most expensive devices with such a big bug in it's software/hardware.

    Reading about other people's experiences and the fact that the latest official firmware release was 5 months ago, makes me think Garmin cannot fix this issue at the moment (why would they bring out so many beta release in the meantime?). I think I'm going to return mine and search for another brand. Never believed I would be happy switching back to my old Mio...

  • That'd be a good move. I was hoping that this has truly been fixed in the latest beta as claimed by Garmin reps on this forum.

    I also think that this would have been fixed by now if a fix was at all possible...

  • Hi Matthew,

    Does this issue affect all 830 models or just some?

    I have a new 830 having moved from a 530. The 530 doesn't have this issue at all, where as the 830 does.

    My 830 is on firmware 5.20 where as my 530 is on 5.10.

    I'm wondering whether I need to swap my 830 with the place I bought it from for another 830 or whether you think this is a software issue affecting all 830s?