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Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge - Updated for build 5.50

I thought it would be helpful to write-up how ClimbPro works on the Edge. 

This write-up is based on the recent 5.50 software release.

New in Build 5.50 is

Estimated time to the top of the climb

Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge V1.9.pdf

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  • Thanks. The position of the control option must have moved at some-point. I have corrected the document.

  • Hi, great explanation!

    Is there a different algorithm for the wearables, for example the Fenix 6 series for the hiking app?

    Because I get some climbs shown in my hike app which are < 500 meters in length.



  • I do not know if it is really different - I have not tried ClimbPro on my F6Sapphire

    But I would say that it has to be a different algorithm between cycling and hiking. A 300-400-500m climb while hiking might be very hard so it's normal to show it. 

  • I had a strange behaviour of ClimbPro with my Edge 530:

    Maybe here, among 830 users somebody has an explanation for it.

  • BUMP, because on 12/08/2021 I changed the reference post.

  • Hi Aweatherall,

    thanks a lot for this extensive explanation! Especially the logic around how ClimbPro reacts to a (temporary) drop in elevation is very interesting (the Mount Hamilton example). However that also raises a question from my side: is there something like a lower limit to how much the elevation may drop, before the climb is 'ended' in ClimbPro terminology? To clarify my question: in your example with Mount Hamilton, you see the 4% gradient line, and it is clear that the end of the 29km climb is indeed at least 3% higher than the start. Is there also a gradient line (for instance at 1 or 2%) that defines the minimum height that any point on the track must be at?

    Thanks for your work once again!

  • Should it be possible to run free climb on the 830 as the 840 can?

    I also have Fenix 7x SS but that seem to need navigation to work too.

  • That feature is only available on the Edge x40 series devices.

  • As the 840 does Free-ride ClimbPro can we expect this to come to the 830? It seems the hardware etc is there, Is it just a software update or is it more of a feature differentiation e.g. elevates (sic) the 840 above the 830?

  • Two minor points I would love to see in a future firmware update to improve usability:

    - if you have an active climb, that datapage should be BEFORE the overview of all remaining climgs when you swipe through the datapages. It´s just a strange order.

    - On the overview page it should be possible to also show the total ascend in meters. For me it would be an better overview over the climb to have mean gradient and total ascend instead of length of the climb.