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Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge - Updated for build 5.50

I thought it would be helpful to write-up how ClimbPro works on the Edge. 

This write-up is based on the recent 5.50 software release.

New in Build 5.50 is

Estimated time to the top of the climb

Understanding ClimbPro on the Edge V1.9.pdf

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  • Not currently, but it is a suggestion I have submitted.

  • There is an event message in the FIT activity file for the approach, start and end of a climb.

    Do you have any pointer to some documentation about that? I can't find those messages in my activity files...

  • It does not look like the definitions made it to the current release of the SDK. Let me raise an issue with Garmin on this.

    The entries are there in the activity file it is just the FIT SDK is not decoding it.

  • It has been added to the 21.18 release of the FIT SDK.

    climb_pro_event enum    
        approach 0
        start 1
        complete 2
  • Thank you for this explanation. I was wondering for some time what the criteria for a climb would be. It's clear now.

    Still I have some questions concerning the markers on the map page with the underlining profile and the ClimbPro Page. I also understand that the red bar in the right picture shows how far you are into the climb.

    What do the red and white markers represent? Especially the white marker seems to be very volatile.

    (The pictures are just generic examles from a 1030 and do not belong to the same ride)

    Thank you.

  • The red balloon is your position as is the blue arrow arrow on the map.

    The white dot and gray (grey) arrow is the position of the Virtual Partner (VP)

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to YK56NJ4

    Regarding "Verbleibende Neigung", I'd just like to point out that Croatian translation says "Remaining downhill" Slight smile

  • I am not sure when exactly it changed but in 5.50, the way to enable ClimbPro is different than the text below from the second page of your document.

    How do I switch ClimbPro on/off?
    By default, ClimbPro is enabled. The control of this feature is on a per activity profile bases and is located under the Activity Profile -> <profile name> -> Data Screens -> Elevation

    It appears that now ClimbPro is a toggle options at the Activity Profile -> <profile name> menu level.  Then in the data screens there is a specific ClimbPro screen where you can disable display during an active climb.  It is not longer configured under the elevation data screen.

    Just thought I would help make the great document a little better.  Thanks for putting this together.

  • Thanks, that throws a bit of light on some issues I had with climb pro and Elevation data. I was dreading a climb that never appeared around Lac du Bourget.

  • The toggle option that controls the switching to the ClimbPro page is currently broken and disables the whole feature.

    Garmin are aware of this. Hopefully the fix will be in the next release.

    Let me check the document on enabling the features.