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Sensor Dropout Feedback

We realize how important sensor data is to our customers and how frustrating it can be when there are issues with it. If you are experiencing these issues with sensor drop outs the engineering team would like to understand the following information to help understand the issue.

  1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
  2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
  3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
  4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
  5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
  1. Did you have your phone connected?
    1. Is it Android or iOS?
    2. What version of GCM do you have?
    3. Were you using LiveTrack?
  2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  • My best guess is that it is the control communication from the Edge to the trainer. The Edge is controlling the workout and is sending the resistance commands to the trainer. The FR945 is just recording what the trainer is transmitting.

    I will send you a private message on the topic.

  • Hello, 

    I have 30 ride files with my garmin 830 and garmin vector 3 pedals. 12 out of 30 files have data dropouts, or data with straight lines. This is beyond a grievance. I updated my garmin immediately after buying it, forgot the original version software number, but have updated twice in the last 40 days. I also troubleshot the pedals with baby oil (lol >1k product needs baby oil to improve function) which has not improved a thing. I have calibrated and re-calibrated and I am about to the point of never buying another garmin product again, for life.

    To rectify this problem you can replace my pedals and my headunit. In return, you can have my data files to improve your product for other users.

    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using? 3.5
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur? About 10 miles 
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one? All but then the rest reconnected 
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own? I manually reconnected 
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    6. Di2 and Garmin heart rate monitor 
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE? 
    1. Did you have your phone connected?
      1. Is it Android or iOS? IOS
      2. What version of GCM do you have?
      3. Were you using LiveTrack? No 
    2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if
  • I am having sensor dropout issues on my Edge 830 running software 4.10. It is a particular issue with HR using a Forerunner 735XT broadcasting HR and same issue with a Lazer Lifebeam helmet. Both connect fine but then connection drops after about 5-10mins. 


  • I am having sensor dropout issues on my Edge 830 running software 4.10. It is a particular issue with HR using a Forerunner 735XT broadcasting HR and same issue with a Lazer Lifebeam helmet. Both connect fine but then connection drops after about 5-10mins. 


  • Hello,

    Edge 830 ( 4.10) 

    complete connection lost after 2 h . He doesn’t find the phone and sensors after a short coffee break. Manual search without success . The connection was restored immediately after Tour Save and reboot of the unit .

    Connection:   I-phone 8 (BT), Powermeter FC9100P (Ant+), Heart Rate Garmin (Ant+)

    The same configuration worked flawless before with the last Beta Software.


  • Hi - I just installed Specialized Power Cranks which use the 4iiii power meter. While riding, I seem to lose connectivity / have dropouts between my Garmin 830 and the power meter. This has happened consistently, although to me, unpredictably. My Garmin is set to record data each second; that may help identify issues in the .fit file. answers to your questions below:

    1. 830 4.10

    2. Various time throughout ride

    3. Only issues with power meter

    4. yes - recovered on its own

    5. 4iii power meter (specialized power cranks) Ant+, Varia light radar Ant+, HR monitor strap Ant+, iphone (BlueTooth) 

    6. yes, iPhone,, not using LiveTrack

    7. Several examples in this file where every data channel from power meter drops. There is one at: 0:07:37 where I am climbing. You will see power before and after are consistent and that speed is maintained during climb, but no power meter data is recorded for 5 seconds or so.

  • Just had a ride where HR sensor did drop and two minutes later cadence was at constant value of 102 rpm. Did not notice it during the ride but after uploading data it was evident. It seems that speed sensor did drop also and GPS was used instead. Much lower speed after cadence constant value. Did 2 laps. First lap ok, 2 minutes into second lap issue started.

    1. Edge 530 sw 4.10. GPS 2.50

    2. HR did drop 20:56 after start and cadence value was constant after 23:06. Speed too low from about 24 minutes

    3. HR did drop, cadence was constant and it seems that speed sensor also drop.

    4. Sensors did not recover.

    5. HR, speed and cadence were connected over ANT+. No BLE

    6. Phone was connected

    a. It is Android

    b. GCM version 4.22

    c. No LiveTrack


  • Did a 7.5 h ride yesterday with fw 4.1, no sensor issues.
    Just those known and still unsolved phone disconnects (iPhone).

  • A lot of people happened the same thing. There are something wrong on 4.1