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Sensor Dropout Feedback

We realize how important sensor data is to our customers and how frustrating it can be when there are issues with it. If you are experiencing these issues with sensor drop outs the engineering team would like to understand the following information to help understand the issue.

  1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
  2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
  3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
  4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
  5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
  1. Did you have your phone connected?
    1. Is it Android or iOS?
    2. What version of GCM do you have?
    3. Were you using LiveTrack?
  2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  • I found out that it coincided with my Assioma going to sleep when i stopped for a rest. I changed it to 30 minutes now but did not have the chance to test it. Maybe it solves it. I also received a mail from garmin to log the ant+ connections and send them the log for analyses 

  • 1. 5.1

    2. 45 min, 1 hour 15 min

    3. Cadence heart and power all at once

    4. Connections did not recover, edge 830 froze completely the seccond time. 
    5. Shimano di2, assiona favero powermeter, wahoo tacx hrm

    a. All on bt

    6. I had my phone connected

    a. IOS iphone 8

    b. 13.3.1

    c. I was using live track

    7. Check out my road cycling activity on Garmin Connect. #beatyesterday

    1. Edge 830 v5.1
    2. 42 minutes 
    3. HR, Cadence, Vector 3 all dropped at same time. 
    4. Connection did not recover for remainder of ride
    5. See above 
    1. Did you have your phone connected? Yes
      1. Is it Android or iOS? iOS 
      2. What version of GCM do you have?
      3. Were you using LiveTrack? No
  • Edge 530 with software 5.1. One sensor attached - heart rate. Approximately 1.5 hours into a 2 hour ride, the sensor stopped recording and did n to come back on for the balance of the ride. I tried to readjust my strap, but that had no effect. The HR display on my Garmin had ------ BPM in the display - no numbers. My average heart continued to appear and did not change. The device was also connected to an iPhone 7 with the latest software. 

    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using? 830 with 5.20fw
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur? 45mins??
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one? All and phone
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own? Yes
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred? Garmin HRM, Favero Power meter, rear radar, phone
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE? Just Phone
    1. Did you have your phone connected? Yes
      1. Is it Android or iOS? Andriod
      2. What version of GCM do you have? Latest
      3. Were you using LiveTrack? Yes
    2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.
  • 1. 830 - v5.10

    2, 20 minutes in.

    3. all at once

    4. no

    5. Garmin heart rate monitor and Assioma DUO Power Meter pedals

    6. a: Yes b: IOS c:v4.31.1.2 d:no

    1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
    2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
    3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
    4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
    5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
      1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
    1. Did you have your phone connected?
      1. Is it Android or iOS?
      2. What version of GCM do you have?
      3. Were you using LiveTrack?
    2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.

    1. Version

    2. 2 hours, 15 mins

    3. Yes power, cadence and heart rate.

    4. Yes, after 1 min, 11 seconds.

    5. Power (Pioneer) and Garmin HRM. All via ANT+

    6. Yes

    a. iOS

    b. Version 4.31.2

    c. Yes


  • 1. Version: Garmin Edge 530 running 5.50

    First ride after the upgrade.  Never happened before.

    2. When it happened: First time at 26:35 while riding.  2nd (1h57:19) was after a pause (pressing stop). And 3rd (4h26:47) while riding.

    HRM (Fenix 5 plus) never stopped broadcasting

    3. Only HRM dropped

    4. No autorecover. On the Edge530, I had to manually recover the HR by disabling/enabling the HRM in the Sensor page.

    5. Apart from the Fenix5 plus (HR), I had connected speed and cadence (Gemini 200).

    Both are dual ANT/BLE and both are double synced.

    6. Phone connected. Probably yes as it has Bluetooth enabled

    Android. GCM 4.22.1

    No live track


    1. Qué versión del software Edge 530/830 está usando? 5.50
    2. ¿Cuánto tiempo en el viaje ocurrió el problema? Cada cierto tiempo (1min) me da un pico de potencia hacia 0
    3. ¿Todos sus sensores se desconectaron a la vez o solo uno? Potencia nada más y a veces la cadencia
    4. ¿Las conexiones del sensor se recuperaron por sí mismas Si
    5. ¿Qué sensores se han conectado con el problema? Potencia, favero assioma duo
      1. ¿Qué sensores se conectaron a través de BLE? Ninguno
    1. ¿Tenías tu teléfono conectado?
      1. ¿Es Android o iOS?si android
      2. ¿Qué versión de GCM tienes? 4.31
      3. ¿Estaba usando LiveTrack? Si