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Sensor Dropout Feedback

We realize how important sensor data is to our customers and how frustrating it can be when there are issues with it. If you are experiencing these issues with sensor drop outs the engineering team would like to understand the following information to help understand the issue.

  1. What version of Edge 530/830 software are you using?
  2. How long into your ride did the issue occur?
  3. Did all of your sensors dropout at once or was it just one?
  4. Did the sensor connection(s) recover on their own?
  5. What sensors did you have connected with the issue occurred?
    1. What sensors were connected over BLE?
  1. Did you have your phone connected?
    1. Is it Android or iOS?
    2. What version of GCM do you have?
    3. Were you using LiveTrack?
  2. Please upload activity .FIT files from this occurred if possible.