Edge 1040 (21.18) Drops All Sensors Just After Starting a Ride (when using ConnectIQ Data Fields)


I know there are threads regarding this issue, but they are all locked. So I cannot add to them. (Also found some on the Edge 840 forums eg https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/356573/all-sensors-disconnect-shortly-after-activity-start and https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-840-series/340641/840-drops-all-sensors-when-starting-an-activity#pifragment-1290=2

New Edge 1040 User here. Went on 3 rides so far. First ride no issues. Second ride the issues started and were exactly the same on the third ride. 

ISSSUE DESCRIPTION: When I wake the Edge 1040 all sensors connect, then when starting the ride right away the Garmin Dual HRM, Garmin Varia RTL 515 and the 4iiii Power Meter will drop. I need to power down the device and restart, then they will reconnect. Obviously I have to stop before I can do that. Not really ideal when you just took off (it is downhill from my home right away).

The only change I made between ride 1 and ride 2 was that I installed the ConnectIQ store and added 2 data fields: WindField and hGradeMax. I am on the latest firmware 21.18.

From what I've read, other users have had the same issue in relation to ConnectIQ. Over a year ago... This should really be fixed by now, because this literally breaks the core functionality of the device... I tested uninstalling the datafields also removed ConnectIQ from the device as I have read on those linked posts, that this may be a solution. IT DID SOLVE THE ISSUE.

However this is not a satisfactory solution. The sensors should work, even with ConnectIQ. I really like the WindField data field.

  • Do you have any insight into this over the past year? I have seen you experimented with this in the past.

  • Hi,
    I have exactly same problems.
    Since this last update, I am experiencing these problems.
    I have a Wahoo HRM, a Garmin Varia Radar 315, Favero Assioma and Shimano Ultegra connected to my Garmin.
    Every new ride, the Garmin Varia Radar is disconnected just after few minutes of starting the ride (not the other sensors) and the Connect IQ fields go blank.
    As you said, I stop, swich off and switch on, and it goes back to normal.
    This is happening since last update. Never before despite having same sensors and same Connect IQ fields

  • And how do you put LTE Mode only?

  • To switch to this mode you have to enter to engineering menu by typing *#*#4636#*#* or download LTE switcher app.

    P.s. this works with Android.

  • Yes! I've been away on holiday using the Mountain profile rather than Road. I've had no sensor drops at all in 4 rides. Suddenly I notice that it's blowing up in the mountains and I'm not using Windfield so I add it. In the first ride, I lose the radar and HRM.

    I got in touch with Garmin Support months ago. They told me to "be patient". This has been affecting me for a very long time. 

    It's difficult to be patient when the Edge 840 I'm using is ostensibly a new device and remains unfixed in this critical area while you see new devices like the 1050 coming out. As much as I've liked my Garmins (800, 820, 830, 840 Solar) I'll be trying something else next time. I've lost so much training data from this bug and sometimes it feels like this is somehow not a priority for Garmin.

  • the first i ever heard of this was when the 1040's first came out and i was able to track it down to happening whenever apps were reading either the (i think) heart rate or temperature data, so i put out a temporary version of windfield that didn't use that data.  that worked until garmin did a firmware update and then everything worked fine again in the main version of the app.

    it's continued sporadically since then for different users, but as far as i've seen, it's only on 1040's.  i've never heard about it on different devices.  my wife runs a 1040 solar and she's never had any issue.  di2 + stages power + garmin hrm have been stable for her for 2 years or so now.

    to be clear, connectiq datafields have no ability to turn off / disconnect sensors.  the only thing we can do is read data such as heart rate, power, temperature etc.  apparently for some units, reading that data apparently makes the connection drop.

    i have heard of one customer having success by waiting for windfield to show data in the screen before hitting the start button for the activity. 

  • oh, you have an 840?  interesting.  there goes my theory about 1040's being defective somehow

  • I don’t have an 840, I have a 1040. But I have gathered from the 840 forums (where you replied about your special version) that the issue also exists across the different types of devices. I had only accidentally posted in the 840 forum, before I knew there were separate forums per device type.

    Either way the issue must be related to what Garmin has programmed. Makes no sense that an applet should not be able to gather data from sensors.

  • just reading the other thread @ekhagman referenced above about turning wifi off and running in LTE mode only on the phone.  that's interesting if that works for some people