Edge 840 v19.22
Just posting to see if anyone else has noticed something like this. I’m curious if there’s a pattern!
I’ve had two instances on the v19.22 firmware now where shortly after starting a ride, all sensors disconnect (sensors listed below). Nothing seems to reconnect them - I can go into the sensors list and try to reconnect any of the HR, power, radar etc and the “connect” button does nothing. Pressing “connect” just spins for a second then returns to the sensor detail without the sensor connected.
When the device is in this state, the only thing that fixes it is a hard reboot. Pausing the activity and sleeping, restarting does nothing - the sensors still don’t connect. Holding the orange power button for 10s restarts, and when the activity resumes the sensors will reconnect.
This seems to happen rarely, and possibly only when I change bikes and activity profiles. It’s still pretty annoying since I have to pay close enough attention to know that the sensors have dropped out and then I need to stop the ride and do the ~ 2m hard reboot. The behavior is almost like a memory leak crashes the sensor subsystem but leaves the rest of the device still responsive. Anyway, just posting here in case others have noticed and we can provide some troubleshooting data for the Garmin developers.
Sensors connected:
- Varia RTL 515
- HRM pro plus
- Quarq Dzero power
- Sram AXS shifters
- Phone (apple)
- Fenix 7x (not using as a remote/display but registered as a sensor)