ANT+ sensors dropout. I've found a reason and solution.


My 1040 disconnects sensors at the same places every time every ride. And once I forget my phone at home and dropouts were not took place.

So I found the next solutions for Android smartphones:

- Fly mode resolve this problem.

- Internet OFF mode rosolve this problem.

- Internet mode "LTE only" resolve this problem. (To switch to this mode you have to enter to engineering menu by typing *#*#4636#*#*)

- Internet mode "only 2G" resolve this problem.

Automatic changing phones mode causes a sensors dropout: between LTE and 3G, between H+ and H within 3G etc. Only 2G and 4G modes have no automatic changes between internet standarts and so there is no sensors dropouts.

Many rides in different modes confirmed my version.

P.S.: BLE connection works fine.

  • I need my phone working during the rides. So it's not a solution. It's workaround :(

    Why it all these works fine before latest update? :/

  • In 2G mode my phone still working and sends notifications to Garmin.

    When pausing your ride you can switch your phone to 4G mode. 

    Yes, this is not 100% usability solution...

  • I have no issues with sensors on 1040. I use only one IQ app, the “in the zone”. Livetrack is running, so phone is with me at whatever mode he finds (iPhone 14). 4iiii power, polar verity sense, bontrager ion200rt, radar RTL515. No BT connections except with phone. Version 20 and 21 no issues. 

  • New information.

    Switching smartphone to "LTE only" resolve this problem too.

    Works with Android. To do this you have to enter to engineering menu by typing *#*#4636#*#*

  • Since i changed my GPS from the 1030+ to the 1040, i started to have a lot of lost connections between my heart rate monitor and my GPs unit. Constant drop outs.

    I don't use anything else connected to my GPS, no sensors,lights nothing. This issue only started with my new 1040 GPS, and i always ride with my phone on the back pocket.

    So, after reading this post i did one test ride without my phone, and... no drop outs. gona make more tests, but theres something here!

  • During the week I usually train indoor watching movies or series on streaming platform, and since last update, when I start a new episode or I move backward or forward the video, the Edge looses all the sensors. Its funny but it is what happens. At the beginning I thought it was a coincidence, but after 1 week this behavior is too deterministic to be ignored.

  • After more Rides without my phone on the back, i can confirm that i had no more Heart Rate Monitor drop outs.

    There is a direct connection/issue between both the phone and the GPS that causes the Drop out's.

  • Few days I'm riding with "LTE only" mode and I had no more dropouts. Great!

  • Also using the Edge indoor and watching youtube or netflix on laptop cause frequent drops. Above all when the advertisements start or you advance or forward the video. Today a nighmare: tens of drops!

  • The thesis you presented that it is the change of the mobile network mode that causes the sensors to disconnect is not true. I drive in an area where there is only 4G/LTE network - and yet, once in some random time ( once a month with daily driving ) I see a restart of connections to the sensors. Instructing people to limit their phones' connectivity to only one standard from the service menu is something that can only be recommended by someone who has absolutely no idea how cellular networks work. I just hope that most who experience problems with garmin sensors keep in mind that it is more important to connect them to their family/friends than whether some sensor will disconnect from the garmin.