Active calories not counted

I write also here but I saw that this problem is already in the forum of the 540 and 840. If you do an activity and you main device is not your bike computer the calories are not counted for and are also taken away from your my fitness pal. 

Today I do 2 ride to work (registered with my watch 955) calories counted and added on my active calories on garmin and on my fitness pal

Then this evening I do a 3 hour bike ride 1500 calories burned (1040 + power meter) and all the calories are not counted in garmin and automatically subtracted from my fitness pal (so for garmin and my fitness pal I burned 0 calories for a 3 hour ride) 

In the forum of the 840 and 540 they already find out that if you set the bike computer as main device the problem is solved (but then you don't get the calories from your watch) seems a problem with the new physio true up.

Please garmin can you fix this ASAP?