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Crashes during ride & Activity Calories does not sum up to Total Calories in Connect

Hey guys.

1) During today 4h ride my Edge 1040 (14.50) crashed twice. If it matters it happened when I wanted to leave the route and press the redraw route option. My activity was recorded all the time however I lost the Training Effect. In the same way before the change, on the Edge 530 I had a similar problem however here it was nothing to do with navigation. Any tips?

2) Calories burnt during activity do not count towards the total calories for the day given in the GC. What I mean is that, for example, I burned 3,000 calories while driving, but the Active Calories field only shows 800 from that day (steps and general activity recorded by the watch). This didn't happen to me in a whole week of using the Edge 1040 when it was the monitor while riding Zwift on the trainer. Then the calories were adding up correctly (there was a different riding profile selected for this: stationary riding instead of road cycling). Huh???