Active calories not counted

I write also here but I saw that this problem is already in the forum of the 540 and 840. If you do an activity and you main device is not your bike computer the calories are not counted for and are also taken away from your my fitness pal. 

Today I do 2 ride to work (registered with my watch 955) calories counted and added on my active calories on garmin and on my fitness pal

Then this evening I do a 3 hour bike ride 1500 calories burned (1040 + power meter) and all the calories are not counted in garmin and automatically subtracted from my fitness pal (so for garmin and my fitness pal I burned 0 calories for a 3 hour ride) 

In the forum of the 840 and 540 they already find out that if you set the bike computer as main device the problem is solved (but then you don't get the calories from your watch) seems a problem with the new physio true up.

Please garmin can you fix this ASAP?

  •  The problem still exist. There is no update or info from garmin about this problem. The funniest issue is burned calories are reachable on garmin connect web site. But the devices are not sync each other. On the other hand i use zwift app for indoor training and no problem on my garmin watch. Grin

  • I tried something today with my 840 Solar and seems it was successful: As you all know, before saving an indoor session, 840 asks about how many calories you consume, also water. I was choosing 0 when I didn't eat anything. I choose a figure -I don't think it's important how much- and then saved. Now, may be the first time ever I have a realistic active calories in my Connect Garmin app. Just give a try.

  • Hi, this is a long standing issue crossing many devices as far as forum comments suggest. I too use Felix 7s (recent purchase) as main device. For cycling I use Edge 1040 (which I love). Today for the first time active calories for the activity was 922 with the given amount of resting as 157. The active number does not get incorporated into Calories In/Out. This number is usually passed on to MyFitnessPal, where I track my consumed daily calories as an aspect of my fitness goals. In the past, using the Tacx indoor trainer, this problem did not occur, even with the Edge 1040 as the device recording the activity. So, there must be a strange little bug. As others have noted, using the Felix 7s gives accurate accounting of the burned cals and shares it accurately through Garmin Connect and on to MyFitnessPal. This would really be a nice error to see fixed. My wife has had issues of this kind both on the watch and on the Edge 1040 she uses for some time. It’s kind of frustrating since we both rely extensively on Garmin devices for essentially all our sports activities.

  • Oh, fantastic! It's been nearly a year, and the issue is still there, lurking around like unwanted houseguests. The whole grand idea behind buying into the Garmin ecosystem was to enjoy a seamless, unified experience. But no, that's apparently too much to ask for. You'd think counting calories accurately between two devices made by the same company wouldn't be rocket science. But here we are, in a comedy show where the punchline is the broken functionality.

    I could almost forgive this level of dysfunction if we were trying to sync a Garmin watch with a Wahoo bike computer. But no, Garmin, this is all your circus and your monkeys. Your hardware, your platform, your software. Really, what miraculous effort is needed to fix something you yourselves have broken?

  • Will Garmin ever fix this problem? Just bought an Epix Pro and started having this problem. Before having a Garmin watch everything was working fine and now my Active Calories and Endurance Score is really low because the bike ride is not syncing with these totals. I bought the watch because I thought that being in the "ecosystem" was going to be an upgrade but ended up with a worse experience after spending an adittional 800€.

  • I have this same problem with 840, and Fenix 7X.  My temp fix is to turn off my watch before I turn on my 840, after activity is complete on the 840 sync to my phone then turn off the 840, and turn back on the watch.  Hope this helps, its been working for me.  

  • Same problem here using a Edge 1040 Solar, Epix Pro gen 2 and HRM Pro-plus band (a lot of $$$$$ in Garmin stuff)

    The only way around I found is to record the activity in both devices affecting my watch battery using GPS when I don't need it, and then only save the edge activity and discard the one on the watch. The issue is not only on the active calories count but also on the daily HR data. I tried all the possible configurations for primary device and the problem persists. 

    I wonder if Garmin even cares about this problem. I'm about to go back to my apple watch ultra and ditch the epix since 99% of my work is focussed on cycling and the EDGE is more than enough for that.  

  • I am sorry, but i have been fighing this on for 2 years and it goes back further. 

    The only think i can think of is for every one to ask this question on their public social media marketing platform et instagram and X.  That way its visible to potential customer and marketing managers.

    lets be clear it affects all products. which is possibly why no single department is taking responsibility ? 

    Thers is no evidence i know of that  any one is listening here

  • Similar to what kj1076 mentioned, I've noticed discrepancies in calorie counting based on whether I use my watch alongside other Garmin devices or sonely rely on the Edge 1040 and HRM Pro.

    When riding indoors on a smart trainer, I remove my watch (don't turn it off) and only use the Edge 1040 and HRM Pro. After syncing with Garmin Connect, the calories are counted correctly. However, when riding outdoors and using both the watch and the Edge 1040, the calorie count is incorrect, even though I ensure to turn off the HRM sensor on the watch.

    It appears that when the watch is worn during an activity recorded on the Edge 1040, the watch's calorie count takes precedence over the Edge's data, disregarding the more accurate readings from the HRM Pro.