Active calories not counted

I write also here but I saw that this problem is already in the forum of the 540 and 840. If you do an activity and you main device is not your bike computer the calories are not counted for and are also taken away from your my fitness pal. 

Today I do 2 ride to work (registered with my watch 955) calories counted and added on my active calories on garmin and on my fitness pal

Then this evening I do a 3 hour bike ride 1500 calories burned (1040 + power meter) and all the calories are not counted in garmin and automatically subtracted from my fitness pal (so for garmin and my fitness pal I burned 0 calories for a 3 hour ride) 

In the forum of the 840 and 540 they already find out that if you set the bike computer as main device the problem is solved (but then you don't get the calories from your watch) seems a problem with the new physio true up.

Please garmin can you fix this ASAP?

  • Hi guys any update on this issue? It is really annoying to have a brand new device with such buggy for this long. I just updated from a 1030 edge to a 1040 solar and now I have this issue that wasn't having before. 

  • No still nothing .... 

    It's a shame 

  • Hi ,
    I just noticed the same issue with the Edge 1040 V18.25.
    Is there a prevision on when this is gonna be fixed?

  • I handed my G955 back because they could not resolve the issue. 

    Do the same then they learn

    This is covered under warranty. If it is not repaired you have the right to get the money back. This is the consumer act in most countries these days. 

    So not sit around and wait for them to resolve it. Return your gadget since it is your right as a consumer. 

    In Europe and the UK there is even a right to getting it repaired up to 6 years after the sales if it is an issue that is from the manufacturer.

    Do not sit around and wait. Act! 

  • This is still happening with my Edge 1040 and my Fenix 7S (latest beta 15.68).

    I recorded a 1.500 calories ride on my Edge 1040 and it's not syncing correctly to Connect nor my Garmin Fenix

  • Same here. Since I changed to the forerunner 965 from the 945 and use my edge 1040 the active bike ride calories do not count in Garmin Connect despite being shown under activity. I've set the 1040 as "primary training device" under settings.

  • It's getting even weirder. This morning my riding calories were recorded correctly on Garmin Connect but then a few hours later overwritten by the calories counted with my 965. I hope it is a sign that some one at least is trying to solve it :).

  • I have the same problem. Waited 7 months but nothing is solved... Please Garmin. I really don't want to change this devices. 

  • It is always the same pattern. The active calories are correctly shown after the ride and then overwritten by the 965. I've set the 1040 correctly as primary training device. I think probably it is something with the primary training device settings which I did not have the function with the 945.

    Another strange thing with the 965 compared to 945 is that 1h of strength training gets a load of around 100 for anaerobic training. In my off season now 5× lifting per week my anaerobic load is through the roof. My training readiness 1, training status strained and I'm fresh ad a daisy. I would really love these things to work bit for mow they are gimmicks.

  • Hi Maeve,

    I had a Garmin Edge 1040 Solar since August and in November I bought Garmin Fenix 7s. Haven't noticed it at the begining, but now I experience the same issue as the author of this thread.

    When I do activities on Fenix calories, training readiness etc. are updated correctly. But when I do activities on Edge I only see activities in the history without any impact on calories and training readiness. For example I did a ride today recording it on Edge (with heart rate monitor), while wearing Fenix. After the ride I checked burned calories on Fenix and it showed 0 activities and far less active calories.

    I have latest firmware and updates on both devices, and both devices are synced daily. Fenix is my main training device.

    Is this issue still unresolved?