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Fenix 7X - Compass Stops Working

Opening new thread since old one got locked to track a compass issue using the v9.33 software. Please post your compass issues if it still doesn't work on v9.33.

  • You are welcome to reach out to Outdoor Product Support to discuss your concerns regarding your band pin further. The statement on the band pin has been given repeatedly.

  • Same for me, the issue persists with V9.33. The compass is useless in this state. This is annoying and doesn't spark my confidence in Garmin products. The communication is also very poor. How about you finally tell us what the issue is and how you are planning on resolving it? Is it hardware (pins?) or just SW related?

  • I reproduced this issue several times by rotating my pins (F7X SS).
    I uploaded a video here

    I can not imagine that this is just a software issue, hopefully I am wrong.

  • tactix 7 Pro FW 9.33 - no problem here :

  • My F7X has same problem like in your video. My Enduro 2 has no problems so far. Both are updated to latest firmware v9.33.

  • The pins do not rotate when in normal use with the watch band fitted correctly. I calibrate my compass before every use (as one should with a digital compass) and then my F7 works as expected. The only issue I had was before 9.33 when the only way to recalibrate was following a restart. 

  • It depends. My top pin is hard to move while my bottom pin easily move. Changing pin is not a solution, it seems the case has a little more space. Also, wearing then the watch slightly decalibrates the compass/shows slightly wrong directions- even during a long workout and after calibrating the compass before. The restart issue is solved, yes.

  • BTW, fixing the pin with superglue could be a workaround for this but I'm not sure if the pin is intended to move, probably or for sure.

  • No philips, calibrating your compass before every use is not what you should be doing... except if you are doing an activity once per week. Maybe, you have learned to live with this and that is fine. But after having used 20+ digital devices I can assure you that calibration should not be needed that often.

    I find it hard to accept that one of Garmin's flagship outdoor watches is subpar the average digital compass.

    Even after calibration it is sometimes takes 1-2 hours for the watch to lose significant accuracy. For example, I cannot trust it during hiking. That is not acceptable, at least for me.