After 26.00 'Follow a Course' does not work for elevation on a Smart Trainer

A per the title, since version 26, Elevation does not work when following a course on a Smart Trainer.

Before, I would create a course and then follow it on the the trainer and it all worked as expected - resistance changed to match the terrain, and elevation appeared in Garmin Connect.

Since 26.00 I have the following issues:

1) The Smart Trainer resistance does not change

2) If you 'View Profile' before riding the course looks normal, but as soon as you start riding, the profile is crazy. See the attached images of the same 29.65Km course on the watch on Preview (green) and once I started the activity (blue).

3) Connect records some ridiculous statistics for elevation, I only rode 1.5km of the course in the images because it clearly wasn't working, but when I uploaded it anyway out of curiosity, Conect shows I rode 1.5km at a constant elevation of 500 million metres. 

I'd really appreciate some acknowledgement that Garmin is aware of the problem. I emailed support on 18/6 days and have had no reply as of 23/6 other than the auto reply confirming receipt.

Is this an issue anyone else is having? This is one of the main functions I bought the watch for and previously it worked well.

EDIT to add image from Garmin Connect showing Elevation data of c.500 million metres for the bit of the course I rode.

  • Just adding my voice to this ticket.

    Been following it for a few months and it's getting really annoying not being able to use my watch to follow courses with elevation on my Wahoo Kickr bike.

    It's the number one thing I tell people that's awesome about the combination of watch and bike...

  • 2nd April 2024 - no apparent difference with software 26.93 - it still doesn’t work (9 months plus)

  • So I've just tried a training plan on the watch - having not used this feature for ages, because follow a course doesn't work so I've largely been using another app for controlling my trainer.

    However, it would seem that the watch cannot control the trainer for a 'Workout' either.

    I have a simple 10 minute intensive 'blast' exercise which has targets based on power. When it got to those parts, the watch indicated the target was speed, not power. It's very hard to train for a level when it doesn't show you the level. 

    When I uploaded it to connect, it shows that it thinks there was a power target - of 200 million watts. Or 1/6 of the energy needed to send Marty Back to the Future. That's a lot of power, and a lot more than the 450-470 watt target I actually set. 

    Can someone from Garmin comment on precisely which elements of controlling a bike trainer actually work with a Fenix 6?

  • Hopefully every person here has created a support ticket. I highly doubt they count people complaining on forums when they prioritize issues. This would mean if you did not create a ticket it is as though you are not having a problem to them

  • I can confirm the issue persists on v26.93.

    As per Nowthatsorignal's suggestion, I"ve also just logged a support case.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 5 months ago

    As someone who has already developed software myself, it is also incomprehensible to me that they don't simply roll back. in my opinion, either garmin doesn't care at all or they want you to buy a new model.

    that's what garmin has done to me now. tacx neo2t and the garmin fenix 6 pro are sold (the fenix next week). i'm looking forward to the new coros and a presumably much better software development, which usually affects all models equally and often gives all (even old) models new functions. even the fr245 had better gps than what the fenix has been doing for a long time.

    one thing i know for sure garmin. i (and my wife) will never buy a product from them again. never again ;)

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 5 months ago in reply to 2278247

    especially if you add the price. For a high price I expect top support. Other companies have fallen like this, and there are others who do it better and cheaper. What has been happening here for about 10 months is simply ridiculous. and that with gps is a cheeky thing.

  • Ridiculous this hasn't been sorted yet.

  • First is was Feb March. Then March April, then April - 1st of May. Guess it will be now May June? What about next year directly?