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SW 24.00 - Altitude Profile in activity stats reports a distance in nanometer instead of meter

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  • Yo tengo el mismo problema 

  • It's noted. I suspect I'm just saying what many users are thinking. Otherwise eezytiger sums it all up very well.

  • That is, this is not the problem of engineers, but cost optimization by Garmin.

    If they work overtime, they have too much work, there are too few of them if they make such a mistake.

    I sympathize, but about the Scal 2 problem, I'm still mad at you guys

  • Possibly a problem in the new language files:

    b03a520c ABSTIEG
    28792284 DF
    0d20bb9c DISTANZ
    4c0544de km
    3c92dc88 mi
    9412ae5f nm
    94cd864f Übung beendet
    2109e466 Für Übungs​start drücken
    a1e735e2 Für Übungs​ende drücken
    90ffe9af Übungsaufz.

  • If you change the language file from nm to m, does it work around and temporarily resolve the issue?

  • I am also experiencing the above. This is what I would call a very, very minor bug. Thank you Garmin for still pushing out updates to the Fenix 6 series.

  • Hey, maybe Garmin can try themself ?

     \\Annexe - Language\4.30\french.ln4 (3 hits)
        Line 1112: 9412ae5f nm (new value/line in 4.30)
        Line 8440: cbe0ea76 nm
        Line 8441: 49c967f8 nm

      \\\Annexe - Language\Old\4.20\french.ln4 (2 hits)
        Line 8419: cbe0ea76 nm
        Line 8420: 49c967f8 nm

      \\\Annexe - Language\Old\4.10\french.ln4 (2 hits)
        Line 8227: cbe0ea76 nm
        Line 8228: 49c967f8 nm

      \\\Annexe - Language\Old\4.00\french.ln4 (2 hits)
        Line 8203: cbe0ea76 nm
        Line 8204: 49c967f8 nm

  • I don't doubt that the developers/engineers are doing their best. But how much time do they spend on the Fenix 6 series compared to the newer products? I'm guessing now, but I think that the best and most experienced developers is working with the newest/coming products which leaves old products to the newer and most unexperienced developers. Thats very common in this business.

    Anyway, "nm" probably stands for "Nautical Mile" so I'm guessing that it's the language reference in the code which is wrong and not the language file. It should be "m" or use "km" / "mi" instead (depending on device settings). The value also needs to be converted correctly then. 

  • AndersB, it could but normally nautical miles should be capital letter (source wikipedia). As you state, this is not probably as simple as find and replace

    M is used as the abbreviation for the nautical mile by the International Hydrographic Organization. NM is used by the International Civil Aviation Organization.