This problem was allready reported in the beta version by different users.
The scale should be 14443 m or 14.4 km
Fenix 6X Sapphire
This problem was allready reported in the beta version by different users.
The scale should be 14443 m or 14.4 km
Fenix 6X Sapphire
Why ? Isn't that obvious. They don't care. There can not be any other explanation.
Please be nice in our forums. If you personally knew the engineers, saw the hours they work, and…
The issue is resolved with the v25.00 software update.
You seem to be a good guy, anyway, G-Chris. It is not your fault what the general outcome of all these issues are.
And frankly speaking…
The issue is resolved with the v25.00 software update.
Yes, same for me.
Garmin - Chris, why doesnt the developers respond to the bug reports in the Alpha/Beta forums? Its like reporting into cyberspace. Can you take a talk with them about it?
hi i'm totally agree with AndersB, and this is the purpose of this comment under Alpha/Beta Community discussion.
Why the Fenix 6 Series report space is not updated at all ? 99% of the reports are under review since theere creation.
The scale should be 14443 m or 14.4 km
The unit “nm” is simply new meter which was inaugurated to kill the chance to start any debates on the inaccuracy of distance measurement either by gps or footpod. As I has been informed the launch of new km, new yard and new mile is very close, although the engineers is still debating on the best abbreviations. :-)
Why ? Isn't that obvious. They don't care. There can not be any other explanation.
Please be nice in our forums. If you personally knew the engineers, saw the hours they work, and how much they do care, you would have not made that statement.
Engineers are human too. Let's all please remember that. Thank you.
Thank you for your report. I have added you to the tracking case.
I have every confidence that the engineers are human, but so are the paying customers testing your products without reward, reporting bugs and being ignored repeatedly for their efforts.
I assume that at least the engineers get paid. We have to pay.
Agreed that software bugs are unfortunate. Thank you for your input. I appreciate it.