Are only 3 custom activities possible??

Is the limit for custom activities only 3 on the F6X?? I have 3 of them already, and when i try to create a 4th one, the watch tells me i it cannot save it and i should delete another one and try again. 

Update to spare you from reading the whole thread: There is a limit of 60 activities (activity profiles) and also not installed activities count against that limit. There is currently no way of deleting the not installed activities from the watch. In the latest firmware (20.87 Beta) we are now down to only 2 custom activities. With Garmin adding more and more activities, soon custom activities will not be possible anymore at all, if this issue is not resolved. 

Update 29.04.2022: Garmin confirmed that they do not acknowledge this as an issue. If you would like to add more custom activities, please request to Garmin to increase the limit or to enable us to delete unused profiles. Refer to to submit your wish to Garmin. There is currently nothing else we can do.

Update 15.08.2022: Back in June, Garmin acknowledged the problem and agreed to deliver a fix. In August, Garmin gave the update that they plan to increase the total limit to 60 in the Q4 feature release (so somewhere end of this year).

  • Same issue here, I cloned SUP for a better Kayaking dataset, but read that rowing was better, so deleted the SUP one and cloned rowing. There's no option so show speed with Rowing so deleted and tried to redo the SUP clone but it wont allow me too even though I've deleted the 2 earlier versions. 

    I might have to learn to code.

  • If you haven't deleted your renamed version(s) from the storage in the watch while it is connected to a PC/Mac via USB, they will keep occupying a 'slot'.  Sports profiles are in \Garmin\Sports and renamed ones have a name such as "" or "". 

    I was considering SUP as a base sport profile to use for bellyakking/riverboarding/prone paddling, but maybe rowing is better.

  • Ahh, will give that a try. I don't tend to use my computer very much so it's a bit of a pain. Rowing and SUP are similar, but the only option for speed is 500m pace and the rest of my club mates work in KPH

  • Rowing and SUP are similar, but the only option for speed is 500m pace

    I see! That is a strange limitation, Run uses Pace by default but you can change to speed. 

    You indeed may need to start coding for a custom datafield.

    A nice thing Suunto had (talking about 2012, but maybe they still have it) the ability to make your own datafields that contained simple calculations and rules, that would be an excellent solution for this.

  • You indeed may need to start coding for a custom datafield.

    Before starting coding, check the CIQ store. There are multiple configurable speed data fields already available. I am sure one of them will fit your needs Slight smile.

    Back to topic: After deleting one custom profile I was always able to create a new one. So this might be a new bug that the file stays there even if the custom profile is deleted.

  • I just tried this and there are now 58 profiles showing, but it still won't let me copy a new one 

  • They're still there when I plug back into my computer Face palm‍♂️

  • The more I think about it and when I look at the moves Apple is making I see an opportunity for Garmin to strike first and do something awesome.  I'm not a software engineer so I don't know how hard it is, but this would be the ultimate watch feature capability:

    Keep everything as is, lots of preloaded sports and activities.  However, allow us to move them back-and-forth between Connect and our watch, basically give a library to park them.

    Next, take all of the cool feature found within each of the existing sports/activities like running, cycling, swimming, strength, cardio etc and list every feature in Garmin Connect.  Allow us to create a custom activity utilizing as many feature as we like.  And then let us save the custom activities/sports to our Connect library.   

    And then, give us the ability to select as many activities/sports from our library and create a multisport, WOD, CrossTraining, CrossFit, or whatever you want to call it...workout.  Similar to the Triathlon concept we could include transitions.  

    There's no doubt in my mind this is coming, the question is whose first.  I hope it's Garmin but as of now they're so far behind on the most basic feature, custom activities.  

  • I agree. This is on my wishlist for the fenix 8 Slight smile. Very unlikely that it will come to fenix 6/7 I guess...

  • That is weird. Maybe I tried more than simply deleting them when I ran out of profiles. I'm never too bothered by doing a drastic thing like reverting to an old software version that still has 3 or 4 unused slots, defining my custom sports, and then upgrading again, so maybe I forgot that I did that. It's a pretty cumbersome solution.