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Bug: IQ datafields mixed up, unable to replace, not selected but active in background (6 datafields page)

So I created a custom hiking activities with 2 pages with the full 6 data field per page setup. I included the IQ datafields "steps 2 fit" and "GPS and Battery info" (at least I tried).

It worked fine while recording, I was able to see my steps count of the "steps 2 fit" field and the GPS and battery Info. After I was done recording the activity on Garmin connect showed 2 IQ data field involved, but not the ones I selected. GPS/Battery was ok and recorded the state over the whole activity. But "steps 2 fit" was not listed and did not record any data into the activity. Instead "surftracker 2" was in the list of active fields and is listed in the details. 

I went back to the settings on the watch, removing steps to fit and trying to re-add it, got the message that I can't have more that 2 IQ datafields (I wasn't going to, just 2 are visible in the activity).

Annoying, so I just got rid of surftracker and unintalled it (it was more about hiking than surfing these days), so I thought that's the easy solution. So after that I was able to add my second IQ field again, I decided to remove "GPS / Battery Info" from this activity and go for a nice heartrate data field which displays how long I have been in different zones during the activity. Then tried to re-add "steps to fit" and got the "no more than 2 IQ fields" message again. Annoyed I just went for the regular stock steps counter (that doesn't record into the statistic).

So during the activity, the HR connect IQ datafield worked fine, after the recoding in the list of used IQ fields I could still see "GPS / Battery info" even though I removed it and did not had it active for the recording.

So please Garmin, make that the watch actually uses the IQ datafiels I select and not some random one in the background, and fix that if I remove it, it really is removed.