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Performance condition/anaerobic not working anymore

My Fenix 6 has stopped recording anaerobic work and I never get a performance condition. The widget never come up anymore and even with a tough workout in all zones my training load is in 20s and never any anaerobic number! I use a power meter and heart rate strap and used to work fine but suddenly every ride puts me in recovery and my load is just dropping off. Vo2 won't change either and my rest should always be way more than it says.

Any ideas as to why? I can't for the life of me figure this out. Heart rate zones are the same and power zones are. 

  • could you check this topic and help people understanding FirstBeat training effect algorithm, please?

    I think in this thread there are somebody with issues but somebody else that simply are not understanding how the algorithm works.

  • thats normal garmin behavior i think

    for 25mins on a treadmill with pretty much steady run :

    calories seem normal, so does TE, intensity minutes

    can not tell a thing about recovery time, very personal thing and ... no screenshot :-)

    load seems quite high, but thats also rather personal thing

    and do not expect to see VO2max for such workout - running VO2max relies on GPS, no GPS - no running VO2max

    ps. rather similar workout 

  • Hi and thanks for your reply.... 

    How does one gain TE? with these new algorithms?...I've not seen any TE since 19:20...(running 19:21 now) 

    Vo2 max does work with treadmill, I've been using it for years ... what you won't get is "training status"... or daily suggestions etc... (the only way to get full status is to run outside with GPS of course) but it remains stagnant now. 

    My intensity minutes have gone from about 150 to about 1700 a week?... I get them all day throughout the day when I have hr below 90?...I'm getting them not sitting here.. Hr 112 down to 61....i gained 11 minutes? 

  • to get anaerobic TE you need to do some form intervals, be it just intervals or fartlek or strides or  something along those lines. you do have aerobic TE of 4.8 

    for vo2max i really think it needs GPS and if you dont run with gps (treadmill) it might switch to walk/hike for vo2max estimation, if you record such activities, else it just displays the last value it recorded

    getting some intensity minutes throughout the day is normal, isnt it. maybe you still have to check your intensity minutes settings in garmin connect. not sure if the 11 minutes were not recorded when you had your pulse ~112bpm in the last pic. also vigorous intensity minutes are doubled (always have been), e.g. the z4/5 run 

  • for vo2max i really think it needs GPS and if you dont run with gps (treadmill) it might switch to walk/hike for vo2max estimation, if you record such activities, else it just displays the last value it recorded

    So I thought. Then sometime yesterday, either before or after a cycle (using Bike app, no chest strap or power meter), my VO2 max gained one point. I didn't run or walk (except around the house). I've seen this happen before, but rarely. 

  • I upgraded but still *not* working for me. :-(

  • Hi Chris, are you able to provide an update from the Garmin side please?  The issue has been going on for a while so it would be good to get a progress update.  Cheers

  • Our engineering is hard at work, working on the solution and there will be an update soon. I am sorry we do not have a physical date as to how soon since we need to test the fix thoroughly first before releasing the new software.

  • It’s rather a pity 19.20 wasn’t properly tested in the first place. Hopefully Garmin learns, finally, from that. 

    One point to note though is that you’re still forcing the broken firmware onto people’s devices. I have downgraded 3 times now, turned off automatic updates and “backed” out of installing it on the device when promoted. Yet 3 days in a row I have woken up to the message “system updated to 19.20”. 

    It’s one thing to release poor software, it’s quite another to fail to respect customers desire not to have that software and to waste so, so much of their time. 

    Garmin’s reputation for poor software development on their consumer devices is widely known and discussed. I would urge you guys to address this. Right now, I wouldn’t fancy being on a plane with any Garmin equipment, put it that way. 

  • Agreed , but at least i see some improvement on the support side. Hope we can «keep» Garmin Chris here.