Garmin: Suggest feature to detect Covid-19


I'm sorry if my english is not so good as others. I live in Spain and I have Covid-19 in early symptoms.

I don't know is this could be possible but I think our devices could help to detect Covid-19 in some aspects.

1. Temperature: Is the device able to measure the body temperature? Or some temperature variation?

2. Could it be possible to solve the Oxygen measurement? Mine for example is 4% below the correct oxymeter. So to make it useful to detect Covid-19 I think we would need two improvements:

          2.a. Make a calibration menu for Oxygen in blood (each one could caliber with a medical instrument) 

          2.b. It would be a must if we can have an alert of Oximeter, same has HR alert. User could set what is the Ox you want to be alert. If set 90, if the watch measure 89 it woukd need to measure it each 5 minutes, if all are 89 or less you get the alert. It would be a must for people as me to control their asm.

3. Breath per minutes. If the virus is not permitting to enter enough air I think the breath per minutes wouod increase even in rest.

4. The virus is making people to be tired. Even if the user had 47 of body battery he is tired. I don't know if there is a way to control the "fatigue / fatiga"

CALIBRATION MENU: is somerhing very useful for all of us. If my oximeter is 4% below real measure what do I am suppose to do? Send it back? Or would it be better to caliber manually?

  • For German users, who wanna help :  

    An app from the German RKI (Rober Koch Institut) - The German Health Organisation : 

    „A smartphone and a fitness bracelet or a smartwatch are required for the Corona data donation app. With these so-called wearables, we can recognize symptoms of an infection with the corona virus at an early stage and record the geographical spread.“ 

    works with Garmin devices.

  • Stop skewing stories. Any HR monitor can detect this based on “elevated” HR.

    Straight from the story:

    One indication a person is getting sick is an elevated heart rate, said Kilaru, citing data from Cardiogram co-founder, Johnson Hsieh, who contracted the flu in January. Hsieh had a much higher average heart rate during sleep when he had symptoms like fever, body aches and coughing.”

    Generally, you can “feel” symptoms coming on, that’s when you take products with Zinc and Vitamin C.

  • It is a fact that our Garmin watches can detect symptoms at an early stage. The German Institute for Health (RKI) has developed an app that can demonstrably help to recognize symptoms at an early stage.

  • Stop skewing stories. Any HR monitor can detect this based on “elevated” HR.

    From the German RKI (Robert Koch Institute), the German Health Institute: 

    How can fitness wristbands and smartwatches recognize corona symptoms?
    Sensors in fitness wristbands and smartwatches provide a large amount of data that enable the detection of potential COVID-19 symptoms. A key parameter is your pulse, which the fitness wristbands and smartwatches measure on your wrist. The resting heart rate indicates how often a person's heart beats in a resting situation every minute in order to supply the body with enough blood.

    An average daily value for the resting pulse is determined from several measurements. If the resting heart rate is higher than usual, fever can be suspected - fever is also a symptom of COVID-19.

    Since the pulse also rises when there is activity, this is also recorded in order to automatically clean up the data. The activity is recorded by motion sensors on the fitness bracelet or smart watch.

    The length and quality of sleep can also be determined using the combination of motion sensors and pulse detection. Changes in sleep behavior are also used to identify symptoms.

    All these calculations are brought together in a specifically developed algorithm. In a similar project, the health data of more than 100,000 people with fitness bracelets was measured during a flu wave in the USA. It was demonstrated that data from fitness bracelets describe the spread of the flu very precisely - to the study :

  • Regardless if it’s COVID or FLU or *insert Virus here*, your body will let you know when it’s off, you just have to pay attention. Now, one day as technology improves all these companies will be able to have technology that can “predict things” but I believe that we’re about 5-10 years away from technology like that.

  • we’re about 5-10 years away from technology like that.

    I'm not talking about the watches being able to identify the Covid virus. But our watches have proven that the various metrics that they measure help to identify a "possible" covid symptom tactic in good time before you notice it badly.
    Unfortunately, there are increasing cases in which even very mild cases seem to cause permanent lung damage. Therefore, everything that is possible should be used.

  • “Hallo doctor, my wearable tells me, that something is wrong with my health.

    Can you feel symptoms?

    No, but my wearable...”

    For that, the devices must have a approval as a medical device and a trustworthy and reliable fw/hw. If I look at all the threads about bad whr etc...

    The doctors have better things to do in these hard times...

    It is a good idea, but I am with Oldie 21.

  • The doctors have better things to do in these hard times...

    The German RKI calls on the population to take part. And over 200,000 people have already downloaded the app. 

    Hallo doctor, my wearable tells me, that something is wrong with my health.

    Can you feel symptoms?

    No, but my wearable...”

    You don't seem to understand the meaning of the app.