After update to 5.0 WHR is Trash!

EDIT: 5.74 beta fixed my problem. Now my Fenix 6X Pro is great again. Thanks.

Guess what... After 5.0 firmware update my Fenix 6X Pro WHR is trash. It was working fine. Now, I not only have Allalin72 problem, but HR overall is a "random number generator" as someone wrote on this forum.

Video showing that problem

The data:

FM: 5.00 /// GPS: 2.60 /// Wi-Fi: 2.60 /// WHR: 20.04.50 /// ANT: 4.30 /// Sensor Hub: 3.10

The data is compared to Apple Watch 4 paired with Garmin HRM Dual or with builtin AW WHR.

About 24/7 WHR widget:

It's inaccurate like hell! Not going above ~110 BPM. But that is not the worst thing... I've noticed that that during the day my HR is quite different on F6 and on AW. F6 is showing 90, AW 60. Quick check on my neck... Yeah... It's ~60. And this is repeating all day. 

So today im wearing ALL DAY my HRM Dual paired with AW. When you pair a HR strap to AW, the WHR is off all day. Its taking all the data from HRM Dual and display it constantly (1 sec) on my watch face. What I'm seeing is little bit sad. 90% of the time it's different at least 10 BPM. Funny thing is for example - I see 90 BPM on F6, 74 AW - run downstairs and back - F6 60 BPM. AW 110 BPM :D.

So to sum up - not only it's not going above 110 BPM, it's inaccurate like hell. It's only good when I sleep.

EDIT: Half day - F6 and AW+HRM Dual. Not even close... :(

About Activity WHR:

It was great for me. Now I have differences of 60 BPM! Take a look at that nice example of 1k walk with a stop in a store. AW+HRM Dual is spot on (orange). Im mad like hell!

EDIT: changed it to view by duration, not km

Firmware flashed again, watch wiped 3 times... nothing works. This is the case with Walk, Run, Bike, Cardio...

Couple days ago I was showing Allalin72 how not all devices have hisbug. One update was enough to make my F6 worse than my mothers in law Mi Band 4.


Today my Fenix was performing excellent on a walk with my little daughter.

There was a lag, but that's how all WHR work, so no problem here. F6 had two "hang times", but in recovered quite quick.

This is a walk in the city, so my pace is not consistent. Couple of times I intentionaly slowed down, to seatle my HR and speeded up. Beside that two times F6 WHR was great. At the end I've ran. F6 picked that right away.

So yeah... I'm certain if I would run with a stedy pace that HR graph would be nice and clean. Average pace from F6 and chest strap is the same - 130 bpm. So for me, thats EXELENT for na WHR.

Beside that (it was very cloudy):
GPS: EXELENT (AW was wrong)
Instant pace: EXELENT
Distance: EXELENT 
Elevation: VERY GOOD

  • Same as now - 3.10. I was posting in  thread that my F6 is working great and either his F6 is faulty or he has just the right mix of settings etc. to bring that bug.

    I've updated to 5.00 and I'm in the club. It was WORKING PERFECTLY on the same FW as Allalin72.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to Maurycy

    That‘s strange. I always asumed it‘s a faulty sonsorhub. To bad I can’t remember if mine worked out of the box, because the update to 4.10 was almost instant after connecting to GCM.

  • I'm having a little war with F6 vs. AW. I've got AW 2, AW 4 and F6XPro. Had also 3x F5. Buying, selling... I test the hell out of them. Bike, swim, run, hike, walk, strength... It was fine till now. WHR was almost on pair with AW (stil the best WHR you can buy). 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to Maurycy

    I had the Fenix 3HR and got really disappointed as Garmin stated, there won‘t be any updates anymore because of their new OS. Luckily Apple released the AW3 so I sold the trusty but outdated Garmin, got one AW and just looked back to laugh at the new F5s prices.

    Now I wanted to upgrade to an always on AW5. Read DCRainmakers Review about the not so good OHR and fall in love with the buzzwords pulseox, stresslevel and the exessive Rainmaker review. So I took the 850€, just to find me in the same old garmin rut.

    i have no clue how long I should watch this odysee until I sell this POS and get the AW.

    Problem: I really like my 6X Sapphire

  • Thats the problem... I really like it to... but its not working now. All data that is related to HR is random. I'm spoiled by Apple costumer service... After a phone call they give feedback very fast, they are active on forums... AW also has bugs, especially on iOS 13 and watchOS 6, but not with core sensors... and if even that happened I give it 2-3 days max and it would be fixed after statements that they are working on that...

  • 3 hours ago it was all over the place with WHR on new 5.72 BETA. Just finished another 1h test. Just editing photos and jumping on the start and finish to check WHR reaction to suddenly HR change. AW WHR red, F6 blue. I've had problems with AW GPX so I photoshopped it. Some differences but NO drops, NO spikes, almost the same AVG HR and MAX HR... WHAT IS HAPPENING???

  • Oh, after being told hundreds of times in my thread

    Still wrist hr to low OUTSIDE an activity.

    that my experience can´t be true

    I was part of that thread.  I just read it in it's entirety again.  You weren't told hundreds of times that your experience wasn't true.  You weren't even told that a single time.  Some said they had the low HR issue, some said they don't and some even said they didn't but recognized that you did.  But no one said your low HR experience wasn't true.

  • Maurycy, i just cant understand why you vote „tess“ up now, as i think we should all get come together to Push this rubbish WHR issue out to Garmin, instead of voting post up, that are not on topic ?

    Only one statement about what Tess wrote: 

    Sure you can’t see all posts i got replied at my thread, as they where abusive and removed. As i do screenshots for such  cases, i have to justify me.

    just one example here: 

  • Could we come together, and working on topic?

  • I think he wasn't negative. Nobody told You were wrong, just me and others didn't have that problem. And now after update I have that too. Probably... because it started to work on the last test. 24/7 HR is also quite good, but it's hard to make it show 115+ HR. Thats messed up...

    I have experience in testing software since windows mobile, through first android to iOS, macOS etc. Sometimes only one little toggle in settings or minor thing can take down whole system for one guy and lack of that thing brings great, bug free experience for another.

    Something is in that code, but not for everyone. My F6 was working fine, while Yours was not, on the same FW. Now my WHR is all over the place. And not all the time... check out my earlier post. It's illogical. It vary from completely random all the time to accurate all the time.