Fenix 6x sapphire glass scratches

I’ve got fenix 6x sapphire for about a month. Today I discovered  that the sapphire glass has a scratch on it. Anybody has similar  experience with sapphire on 6/x?

both my wife’s and mine 5s/5x did not get any scratches during two YEARS of intensive use, which is why i was very surprised to see this scratch on the 6. I’ve always been telling ppl that sapphire on Garmin is indestructible- what was my experience with the 5x

  • Same for me after 2 days. No sport, just office and shopping ! Super frustrated as you. Really disapointed as my F3 is still perfect (just the top angle of the Bezel lost a bit the Grey dlc coating and is a bit shiny silver). No scratch on the glass neither on the bezel 

  • Nobody with a scratched or broken watch has ever banged it or dropped it. Strange that. I mean, I’ve banged mine, dropped mine and done all sorts of weird stuff yet somehow, miraculously they’ve remained undamaged. Guess I’m just lucky.

  • As you can read, not complaining vs Garmin. I did a lot with myF3 over 3 years without and I was lucky as I played on synthetic grass field partially recovered by sand where I felt many Times. Then if I wrote: no sport, just shopping it is like this.  Be open minded. Anyway, something scratched it but Idon’t know what and when. No more no less

  • Nobody with a scratched or broken watch has ever banged it or dropped it. Strange that. I mean, I’ve banged mine, dropped mine and done all sorts of weird stuff yet somehow, miraculously they’ve remained undamaged. Guess I’m just lucky.

    My watch was fine, no scratches or dings or anything. I had it laying on my table (checking the HR of the table surface), and then I gave it a really menacing look... squinted my eyes, clenching my jaw, and shaking my fist in its general direction, and then the watch developed a huge scratch on the glass. Whereas I ran over my Apple Watch with a vintage German WWII-era tank, and it still looks new.

    Kidding aside, my 6X Sapphire is almost 4 months old now, and my lens still looks brand new. Not even the slightest hint of a microscopic scratch. And I have definitely banged it into lots of stuff in those 4 months. On one occasion, I accidentally smacked it so hard into the corner of a metal computer chassis that I thought for sure my sapphire would be shattered, or have a deep scratch at the very least. But, nothing. The sapphire model was definitely worth the money for me. Sorry to hear other people have sapphire glass that scratches when you sneeze, but I really don't think that's indicative of what someone should actually expect. I'm guessing they accidentally scuffed it with a nail file or something else highly abrasive, and just don't want to say so, or don't remember doing it.

  • Just.for curiosity do you have a blue tint problem? 

  • Not at all. My screen is perfect : full black

  • From a Polish Garmin Facebook group. Yes, this is sapphire. Seems like The same sapphire that has been used in Apple IPhones' lens glass...

  • dude what are you talking about ? Its shapphire !!!!

  • Without any context, that photo is not informative whatsoever. I'm not even sure if that's a scratch or a fracture. It appears to be a fracture, to me.

    Nobody, including Garmin, claims that sapphire cannot be scratched (or broken). Depending on the material that hits it, OR the force that it hits it with, it can scratch.

    So a photo of a scratch with ZERO context about what caused it is not helpful. If I wanted to, I guarantee I could find something on my desk at work, smack the face of my watch, and put a scratch on it. If I beat on the glass with the corner of my stapler for a while, I'd bet it would look pretty bad after a while. But aside from that being an expensive experiment, I'm not going to try that because it wouldn't prove anything, unless I also had a Gorilla Glass watch that I was also beating on with the same stapler.

    The more important question to ask is, what would Gorilla glass have looked like if it took exactly the same impact from exactly the same object? I can only speculate, but I imagine the scratch would be a hell of a lot deeper and uglier.

  • The used claims it is definately not a fructure nad ot happened on his way to work. He cant remember banging it against anything.