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Anyone STILL having heart rate accuracy issues with their Fenix 6?

Hi all,

Super frustrated, but I am still having issues with my Fenix 6S and heart rate accuracy even with the 4.20 software update. I'm wondering if it's just me or what the deal is? I had a 5S Plus before this and had no issues doing the same activities so I really don't think it's user error. My heart rate hardly reads over 110 during really vigorous exercise when my heart rate is closer to 160+. I have tried wearing on the inside of my wrist, tried my other wrist with no luck. It consistently reads 80-110 bpm the whole time. I wouldn't have bothered to upgrade if I knew this was going to be an issue. I know that wearing a chest strap is the most accurate, but I don't like to have to wear it for all of my work outs and my old Fenix was totally fine as well as my apple watch before that. Any suggestions? 

  • hey there, 

    I have different trouble, 

    when I use my HR strap and edge , I can read accurate HR, I wear my F6 and it don't read over 120bpm when I was at 150/180 bpm

    BUT, When I use F6 for an activity , HR is very accurate....

  • Still having issues with my OHR sensor, and it's notably more erratic at the beginning of an activity than my 245 and Apple Watch Series 4.

    I've been experimenting a bit while waiting for a fix (or replacement) and I've noticed that mine needs about 5 minutes or more to get a lock or fix. Today I ran with both the 245 and F6 and set both on the Run activity but didn't start the run until about 10 minutes later. During this time the F6 was often 20-25bpm higher than the 245 (and AW). But once it settled down and I started the activity both Garmins stayed within a few bpm of each other (and the AW) for the duration of the 60 minute run. 

    Not sure what is causing the erratic reading from the F6 early or pre-activity.

  • I dont have the Fenix 6 yeat, but in this test it looks like fenix 6 have a better optical heart rate sensor than Fenix 5 plus. I dont know what firmware they have on the fenix 6 in the test. Happy watching 

  • Seems they tested out of the box. First firmware update brought wrong values in higher hr for me. Still doesn‘t fixed with latest 4.30 public.

  • Still the same issue for 3 weeks ago.

    Out of box.I didn't have this issue.

    I am very frustrated to have not the possibility to rollback the version.

    Nothing has been corrected since and Garmin ignore completely my different mails sent for solving this big issue.

  • How are they supposed to supply you with a timeline? They will have it figured out when they isolated the problem and solved it programmatically. 

    It's not something you can easily know the speed it's progressed upon. 

  • I was completely happy with the OHR in my Fenix 6X till now. Excellent accuracy during almost 2 months and more than 300km running.

    But I started 2 days ago to suffer a strange behaviour, when starting an activity.

    But I found the root cause: the change in the ambient temperature. Now it is a bit more cold and probably my blood pumping in the wirst is still not so visible (I suffered abnormal super high measure just when pressed start button on an activity).

    Yesterday I tried to warm a little bit, walking and jumping before starting to run, and the measure was so stable.

    It is true that maybe this point is more sensible than before 

  • Yes this is always a problem with all optical heart rate sensors.  Cooler temps reduce blood flow to the outer skin layers causing erratic readings.  Why they're always super high I don't know.   I go through this every year with my scosche.  As the temps drop in winter I have crazy high spikes at the start of runs, then it drops down to normal after about 5-10 minutes.  

  • For me, I usually train 10 sets of mattresses (inside on treadmill) at 18kmh and during my 5 minutes warm up, I go up to 155-160 then my frequency drop down and oscillates between 120 and 130 bpm always after the 4-5 sets.

  • For me, I usually train 10 sets of mattresses (inside on trendmill) at 18kmh and during my 5 minutes warm up, I go up to 155-160 then my frequency drops down and oscillates between 120 and 130 bpm after the 5 first sets.