Explore Website Message total different to device/app total.

New inReach Mini 2 user in the UK here. My understanding is that messages sent via the Garmin Messenger app will prioritise WiFi or mobile data first, and if those are unavailable, it'll use the satellite network and that message will count towards your monthly message allowance (I'm currently on the Freedom Recreation subscription). Information regarding that is here:


So I sent a few messages using the app to a family member from home, while connected to WiFI, and the app still says '40 messages remaining'. Great! 

However, when I logged in to explore.garmin.com, it tells me I've used 4 of my allocated 40 message. 

Can anyone shed light on this? Which is accurate, the website, or the app? Photo attached for reference.


  • I believe that is a common issue that others have also experienced with the messager app. As some say, the messager app is a mess. Maybe report it to Garmin as the more people that report these things the better the chance of getting them fixed. I think it’s just better to check your phone first to see if you are still in cell range and only use the mini2 when you are for sure out of cell service range, because the app is unreliable for deciding on what it does within a cell coverage area. You are not the first to post on this forum about that issue. My 67i will display the number of messages left in my plan, but it never updates. In fact a Garmin rep once told me it doesn’t keep an accurate account, for an accurate number you need to log into the explore website as you’ve discovered. You can also send messages using the explore app, but I’m not sure of the reliability of correct billing with that app in a cell covered area.  Garmins rules for the messenger app billing. support.garmin.com/.../  Here is  a similar post to yours. forums.garmin.com/.../with-messenger-app-struggling-to-understand-why-also-delivered-by-satellite read near the bottom of it.

  • Hello. When the Messenger app is used, only messages that are sent over satellite are going to be reflected in the message count. With there not being a cost for Messages sent when using WIFI or cell, they are not included in the count provided by the Messenger app.

    Currently the Explore website reflects all messages sent, regardless if sent via satellite, WIFI or cell. Our Engineering team is assessing ways to improve how the messages are reported on the website and we apologize for any confusion. 

  • So the Messenger app is showing the correct number of remaining messages while the Explore website is showing incorect numbers at the moment, correct?

  • It is not incorrect it just counts all types of messages which is why the counts are different. 

  • I am experiencing the same thing. I send a message I am 100% positive went via satellite. The app even says "satellite message" above the text. The site says 39 messages left, 1 used. But in the device it just says 40 left, same as the original post. And to the left of the big 40 is a small "updated 4:15pm" which was hours ago at this point, well before I sent the message.

    So I suspect the app just never actually updates and is stuck mistakenly at the default. I tried closing and reopening, logging out and back in. Chatted with customer service. They told me to do an update on messages on the inreach. That also didn't help. I went nuclear option and totally deleted and reinstalled the app and it finally updated to show 39, and displays "last updated 5:03pm". Finally getting somewhere.

    I then sent another message and received a reply, both via satellite. So I am now sitting at 37 left. Check the website, available messages =37, exactly as expected. App still shows 39. No update at all. Try refreshing messages in the device as support said, no change. The device just displays 27 messages sent, which is maybe total satellite messages sent ever? Either way a useless number. And that number never changes, even after you send more messages, so double useless.

    Delete the app again, reinstall, now (wait for it) the app says 35 left!! And last updated still says 5:03pm. A completely incorrect and random number that does not match any of the known use to date, or the use noted on the web, which seems correct and is not tracking total messages as Garmin stated previously. Even leaving background access on for the app (a bad idea as this app absolutely wrecks your phone battery if left on in the background) does nothing to fix the issue. 

    The workaround I am planning while in the field is having the person I'm messaging have access to my account online (they have web access, I don't). So at the end of their reply they type "25 left" or whatever number remains. 

    Ultimately in hind sight I should have just done the unlimited messages, as this app is clearly a dumpster fire. But you can't upgrade and get the amount prorated. Classic Garmin. Nightmare process. Wish I had gone with a competitor in hind sight. 

    (For troubleshooting purposes, not holding my breath for a fix, but this is all occurring on an android phone) 

  • iPhone/iPad is the same, most of Garmin software is a dumpster fire! It just seems to take forever for improvement. From my experience the explore website is the one to trust. A Garmin rep told me once that the usage displayed on my 67i is not accurate, that’s like a year ago now. So if it’s not accurate, either fix it or remove it from the device  software. No change yet!

  • Two things here. First, no two sources for message counts (for example, device and your account at explore.garmin.com) ever agree. This is true regardless of iR device or plan. It has always been this way. Garmin is unable or unwilling to fix it. The only thing that counts is your bill.

    Second, a gazillion KB articles to the contrary, nobody really understands how the Messenger and accompanying app decide how to send or receive any given message.  How good is your cellular DATA connection? Fringe area? How solid is the BT connection between phone and device? And so forth. Lots of moving parts. Rube Goldberg would be proud ;)