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Strokes gained data severely lacking vs Arccos - any updates planned?

Does Garmin have any plans to improve the extremely basic data available to users in the Garmin Golf app or the mobile Connect golf interface? There have been repeated asks over the past three years for basic functionality that other golf apps/watches/sensors offer. These include:

  • Ability to enter first putt distance from the hole
  • Ability to mark the pin on the green with a single button press from the watch while on the green
  • Ability to see strokes gained data vs other handicap levels (pro, scratch, 5, 10, 15 handicap)

I have been using the CT10 sensors with my Garmin watch this year, and while I love the simplicity of shot tracking, it is kind of pointless to be unable to do simple tasks like "mark the hole location" or update initial putt distance. Without that functionality the approach statistics, putting statistics, and chipping statistics are borderline meaningless. In addition, almost all golfers are trying to improve, and so I don't think they care that much about being compared against golfers similar to them - and would rather focus on golfers who are better than them.

Can we please get some sort of engagement around these basic features and whether they are being actively working on? it will be a massive hassle to switch everything to Arccos, but at this point given the complete lack of engagement between Garmin and the golf community who have purchased their products, I don't see much point continuing down the Garmin road.

A simple "we are working on ANY upgrade to strokes gained data" would go a long way...

  • Happy to wait on the “what is coming” but any info on timelines? 

  • I am also very curious about this update and timeline. I dont need or expect Arccos level detail in analytics, but a few features adds would vastly improve the experience.

    Besides the three points the initial post mentioned, which I totally agree with, it would be great to add more sophistication to the 'Shot distance'. By normalizing the data points and removing outliers, similar to what Arccos does with their 'Smart Distances', this would make the data and Caddie feature far more accurate and useful.

    The watch works great, so you have the hardware. I can add a few CT10s for the putter and wedges, and with these feature updates it would be a fantastic, comprehensive golf solution. 

  • Wow.  I think I have found the right post that describes everything Garmin is missing the mark on compared to its competitors.  

    In addition to the above comments, I expect the minimum information from the Garmin strokes gained data:

    • Strokes gained for each round with details for the four main categories.  Drive, approach, chip and putting.
    • Strokes gained for each shot. 
    • Strokes gained for each club.  

    Like most in this post, I have been struggling with how long do I continue with a very poor product after investing time and money before I make the jump to Arccos. While I have a number of Garmin devices, the benefit elsewhere is surpassing staying in one system.  I keep reading from Garmin about "new updates coming soon, just hang on, etc".  It's time to announce something exciting that exceeds the competitors, not just matching capabilities. 

    Let's do it Garmin, or you will be left behind.  

  • Have there been any announcements that I missed?  Anything coming soon?

  • Great post. A couple of months ago I directly contacted garmin with many of the same wants! 

    I have the S70. Which on course I find great. Especially with the ct10 sensors. But every time I get in the clubhouse I’m frustrated. The app is SOOO bad. The chipping and putting stats are meaningless. I appreciate it can’t be perfect but at least an easy way to mark the pin would help. 

    following the chasing scratch podcast, having accurate stokes gained info is so powerful and i currently have £850 worth of hardware and with no way of understanding what should be simple data. 

    im more than happy to help Garmin fix this. But have heard nothing back to my request. 

    this has made me a little hopeful that something is coming, but as it stands, like many others it seems, I’m close to switching to arrcos. That app looks like exactly what I want and need! 

  • Ps. Garmin. Please make something happen!!!!

  • Post to #GarminGolfDoBetter your concerns and frustrations. 

  • Happy to. Do you have I link? I can’t see where to do this.  Cheers!

  • In the past a lot of request and great ideas have been posted by at that time active garmin golf watch users also.

    Always same replies like interesting idea. We pass it to the the team etc.

    Expect any news soon etc. (The last such statement in this thread Garmins post about expect something is already 5 months old!)

    Then nothing happens (maybe barely a small fix). 

    Always firmware updates with fixes nobody knew it was a problem.

    No fixes for problems anyone tells them in the forum to Garmin it is a problem (and also by direct emailing them. Using the suggestion pages).

    No real enhancing updates have been coming along for many years!

    Also the Golf app is like from the Tron era (CGA, VGA monitor type of graphics). 

    I still hope this year 2024 will make it happen but i have my hopes not high.

    If it does, great about @&*!@#$ time and still correct from a lot of garmin golf enthusiast users (hoping to support the community and help garmin develop their products to the best level) to complain about their software and customer support services in general.

    For the time being I use my golf watch for scorekeeping and general F,M,B, distances.

    Hardware wise Garmin is great.

    Software wise !@!@#!@$)

    Below  are some old links of one of many old threads of suggestions/improvements.

    More then 3 years. Lot of similar threads about this across the forums. Lot of upvotes about this similar posts.

    Now also same request/suggestions/necessities for avid golfers for the new S70 have been posted.

    Nothing Garmin did except telling you to edit the scorecards with the shots you do not want to have included in your average and max distances and your golf stats.

    Oh yeah, they say interesting idea. We will pass it along the dev. team. yadida, yadido (Unbelievable actually.):

    4 years old! ==>

    Very funny one about the complaints we all had already 3 years and more ago:

    A lot more of these postings...(Use search).

    Did you know when you are golfing in europe your S60, S62 watch is still not using the european Galileo system for measuring the distances in the golf watch app!

    Only the GPS is selectable and not the Galileo system while the hardware is in the watch available

    Here my post from 2 years ago. Nothing done or fixed.

    It does use Galileo in europe (If selected) for all other apps like cycling, walking  on your Garmin GOLF watch but not for the prime(!) function of your golf watch.

    I would not be surprised if the new S70 and the MARQ and MARQ 2 is also not capable of using the Galileo system during golfing in Europe.

    I had the Tru swing sensor and not one time it had any accurate data results to make it useful.

    Would have been nice such a sensor connected to your watch during training or play.

    If it creates some meaningful accurate data.

    I have the Z82 rangefinder and can only use it in "sight something" mode to get some correct distances (like a 90 euro rangefinder can do also).

    when using it in golf mode the lasered pin location is out of the given GPS distances.

    Lasered pin says 150 meters. GPS F, M, B gives your 110 meters, 125 meters, 140 meters.

    When R10 was announced i ordered immediately and returned it immediately.

    Look at the software problems the users have over there for this R10 monitor.

    some private person has built some software for gathering the data parameters and everybody loves it and is 100x better then the commercial software Garmin gives you. I think he built it alone and in a few days. 

    They are discussing to use aluminium foil on the golf ball for the R10 to get some meaningful data also (OMG).

    It is all a software joke for the Garmin Golf products they sell.

    imho, Garmin golfers are the lowest ranked in their software development department (If they have one).