
Watch faces downloaded show a blank screen when starting to scroll up or down

When I start to scroll up or down from the watch face. To access the glance widgets. If I have a pre installed watch face selected. It will show the face image as I start scrolling, but with any installed faces (I've tried a few different ones from different developers including Garmin) when I start scrolling the watch face image disappears and shows a blank screen instead, making the whole scrolling feel very unnatural. 

Not a huge deal. Just cosmetic I guess. But I wish it would be fixed

  • It may be product-specific behavior but it only affects Connect IQ watchfaces. Even if it's ultimately the product team that has to fix the problem, wouldn't the CIQ team be the most well-equipped team to communicate the actual problem to the product team?

    Usually when users talk to regular support about any issue at all, the first advice they get is to uninstall all CIQ apps....

  • It may be product-specific behavior but it only affects Connect IQ watchfaces. Even if it's ultimately the product team that has to fix the problem, wouldn't the CIQ team be the most well-equipped team to communicate the actual problem to the product team?

    Usually when users talk to regular support about any issue at all, the first advice they get is to uninstall all CIQ apps....

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