over 5 years ago


vivoactive 3 phoneConnected always true

Seems that as a result a recent firmware update to the vivoactive 3 the Sys.getDeviceSettings().phoneConnected as well as settings.connectionInfo[:bluetooth].state always return true/CONNECTION_STATE_CONNECTED regardless if the phone is connected or not.  These calls have been working fine for many months.  Is there a new process for getting connection state?

Parents Comment Children
  • FYI: After turning off the watch and restarting, it started showing the correct connection status on the watch face.  Cycling the phone BT off/on was being reflected correctly on the watch face.  However, later it was back to only showing always connected even when the phone was well out of BT range.  Restarting the watch restored functionality.  

    Keep in mind, the controls menu phone connection status is always working even when the watch face connection status is inop.

  • This is an Android platform.  The exact SDK is 3.1.3 (also tried 3.1.4).  I cannot revert back to SDK 3.0.x because my Eclipse Connect IQ IDE version is 3.1.3 and does not seem to be backward compatible with 3.0.x SDK (the manifest.xml will not parse).  BTW the built-in VA3 watch faces do correctly show the connection status.  Do you have the exact code snip of how those are coded?