
venusq2 device file incomplete?

Have updated device files through sdk manager, but received an exception during drawBitmap2 in the sim, and noticed the venusq2 compiler.json seems to be lacking an imageFormats section.

  •  I have a confirmation that this bug affects not only simulator but also some real devices - FR165 and Venu SQ2. It works on my FR165, but crashes for other users on drawBitmap2 (different firmware?).

    So, now it is a "catch 22" situation: some FR165 and Venu SQ2 support drawBitmap2, but don't support packingFormat="png" for some reason. Worst part is that there is no way for us to identify the problem and avoid executing drawBitmap2. Now the apps using drawBitmap2 on FR165 will fail with:

    Error: Unhandled Exception
    Exception: Source must be native color format

    Is there a workaround for this issue?
  • Same error happens for me in drawBitmap2 when I use PNG files:

     <bitmap id="white_m_x" filename="white_metrics_x.png" packingFormat="png" scaleX="100%" scaleY="100%" scaleRelativeTo="screen"/>
    dc.drawBitmap2(0, 0, white_m, {:tintColor => p[1], :filterMode => G.FILTER_MODE_BILINEAR} );
  • Same thing happens for the FR165, which does not seem to have png support in the imageFormats section.

    My bitmap images are png.

    The same exception as reported in previous comment, which by the way can't be caught

    and ends in a 'Encountered app crash' for the simulator.

  • I get an unhandled exception:

    Error: Unhandled Exception

    Exception: Source must be native color format

    Stack: - onUpdate() at <drawBitmap2 line in my view ...>

    Adding an imageFormats section (from the venusq2m!) to the compiler.json solves the problem.

  • The imageFormats section of the compiler.json is not related to drawBitmap2(), so I don't think that's an issue in this case. Can you describe more about the exception you're seeing? The one exception that method can throw is related to the location and size parameters falling outside of bounds of the source bitmap.