getHeight() reports wrong height values for ALL data field layouts in Venu Sq with new fw 4.7. E.g. 114 pixels (vs the correct 240) for 1-layout mode, which result in that I can only paint on half the screen. Which renders my data field App useless and actually cause it to crash. There is no way I can work around not having access to the full screen.
I have also been getting similar field reports for Venu Sq 2 v2.47 starting around the same time as they started for Venu Sq (19th May). So, not that I can confirm with own real device, but I'm pretty sure Venu Sq 2 is also messed up layout wise up since the crash reports are identical, i.e. happens in the same lines of code.
What is frankly very disappointing, is that I reported a similar defect, albeit only for a single data field mode, for the previous Venu Sq version: Not only that, but also for Venu2 there are repeatedly issues in this area that are not being fixed but actually made worse:
PLEASE fix these issues in the Venu series - and PLEASE test data field layouts BEFORE you make new releases!!!!